
Queue the Benny Hill theme.

@catsmeatpotterpirbright: Agreed, too little too late though. In this day of tech, hardware and OS are not enough. The app selection is what is going to kill them.

Still waiting for my Epic 4g to arrive. Damn you "expedited" shipping!

This has tremendous implications. Imagine a world were ISP connection speeds exceed that of write limits of hard drives. What are you up to Google?

Google Instant appears to only work if you are logged into a Gmail account.

According to the about page for Google Instant, they will be releasing it for phones "soon".

How many mW, kW, MW (or maybe) GW is this bad boy of a laser?

Where is the left foot? This picture makes no sense....

I believe there is a god because I have faith, to hell with science!

As unfortunate as it is, all alcohol will likely be cooked out of the final product.

Dear Android:

Someone should send this video to Kim Jong-ill.

At least they didn't make an accompanying Themos shaped like an iPod dock.

Oy vey!

I want to see touch screens so sensitive they can detect fingerprints.

Thats still pretty impressive that it was able to autonomously maintain flight without being controlled for half an hour.

I am working from home eating otmeal as I read this. I am only doing either of those things because I am sick. I think the magical medium is working from home occasionally.

If you really wanted, you could add a 3v inductive charger to it. That would probably be an expensive hack though.

Thank you Google! RPM version will be released "soon" apparently.