Cabbage Patch Mather

It’s been so much fun watching Trump fans on Twitter suddenly turn into Chomsky clones in a desperate attempt to defend Trump’s latest defense of Putin’s murderous rule. Trump’s right, America is eeeevil!!!! Besides, no one can prove Putin’s ever killed anyone!!!1!

I am also worried that Customs and Border Patrol did not stand down when congressional staff went to the airports to ask them to obey the order to do so. I used to work for another federal agency, and CBP had...I dunno, kind of a look to it, a certain leaning... Would like to see an independent thinker in there decide

Gotta say, though I am of the opinion that the US has started open-mike terms for its presidency, Im not sure how much trump had to do with the success or failure of this mission.

Here are anothe two facts to blow your mind:

If whitewashing = truth, then sure I was whitewashing.

Actually I will respond, how am I a stereotypical racist in any sense? Someone invokes the Atlantic slave trade in the above article, I comment on certain ironies involving the Arab/Islamic involvement in the slave trade while simultaneously voicing my disgust for Trump and his ban. And I’m the racist? What goes

You realize you come off as an apologist for the Arab slave trade, right? I’m fully aware of the distinctions between the two, and also that you’re erasing the horrors of the Arab slave trade because you’re singularly obsessed with white people. I’m not interested in whitewashing anything, I’m not contesting that the

I routinely enjoy your hot takes, but alas, you’ve disappointed here. “The numbers on that are disputed.” Here you’re just doing the whitewashing you complained about earlier, trying to dismiss facts that don’t mesh with your worldview. The Arab slave trade did exist, and is relevant in a discussion of this nature.

A more interesting point is how the Arab slave trade was broader in scope than the Atlantic slave trade, and that Muslims were largely responsible for collecting and buying slaves and shipping them east. Or that a few of the countries on Trump’s list imported slaves as well. Or that Libya, a main port for the Barbary

Yes well, reality is that there are a lot of people out there who are racists and bigots and they live in the same place as you do. You can either stomp your feet and demand that they stop being racist or you treat them with contempt and hostility. Hell will have frozen over before that actually works. Or you can try

According to this (no one knows exactly what happened except possibly her) her lie was after the fact in court. If she didn’t tell her husband and BIL about the encounter, then she may have not had anything personally to do with the murder itself. It’s not clear from this article what happened after the third party

I think all the people saying some variation on “she’s a monster how dare he try to redeem her” are missing the point. Tyson is trying to show you that’s she’s not some extraordinarily evil cartoonish monster; she’s a regular person who turned out to be capable of doing something horrible. The point is the banality of

If you’re unwilling to deal with nuance, you’re going to have a hard time deciphering people and their real motivations. It’s important for us to recognize that really awful people can also seem ok on the outside. It’s also important to consider that some people do really awful things when they are raised in a certain

I’m a big fan of his description of moving past white guilt. I don’t feel guilty over the slave trade. I didn’t create the world we live in. What I do feel is an intense obligation to make the world better for other people while I have the chance. My whiteness gives me greater power to do so. Great power/great

Sorry to double post on you, but I just wanted to mention one other thing...redemption. We have to leave room for even the most vile racist to find and make redemption. That’s the difference between your philosophy and their’s anyway. The racists don’t see anything redeemable in people of color. They would much rather

Tim Tyson was one of my teachers at UW-Madison when I was an MA student in the department in which he taught. I took a few classes with him something like 15 years ago (one of my fave was a class he co-taught with Steve Kantrowitz). I haven’t seen or spoken with him in ages. This interview reminded me of just how

Did you actually read what he said? She didn’t get that boy killed, that boy was dead regardless of what she did. She is not responsible for his death. She is responsible for helping the people that were responsible for his death get out of jail.

Daily reader of Jalopnik.. Don’t feel the need to post often to feel relevant.

Oh so now we are name calling? Im an asshole? Hitler? My grandfather lost 3 brothers in WW2 fighting Hitlers army, so Ill stop you there.

Don’t have time for any of that stuff. Ill help a person in need on a train or on the street, regardless of color, especially kids. But its time to start filtering out the immigrants. More quality than quantity. And the hell with being politically correct. Unless we want dumb cheap labor, in which case there are