Cabbage Patch Mather

You can’t challenge ideas if they’re not out in the open. Otherwise they stay hidden and fester, allowing themselves to be expressed when its safe. The real problem isn’t those who espouse ideas but those who silently agree, then vote. You can’t say “don’t give them a forum” because our market has proven SOMEONE

Being rather conservative myself (not a Trumper, however), I find this to be true. I always speak to those who disagree with me with respect (until they become too belligerent, then I simply leave the discussion), and I find that those approaching me calmly and intellectually are more well received than those who

I don’t think these conversations are for her though. It’s for people who are on the brink of going either way. There’s a certain amount of what they that sounds like sense if there’s no dissenting opinion.

Earnest conversation with those around you... over time... IS a lived experience. We absolutely can change each others’ minds... that is how a lot of social change happens.

100% agree. So many people (on both sides) wish to shout over and shut down the other. This fans the flames. Let people talk and let’s dig into what is said... You may actually change someone’s mind. It’s OK to debate without yelling. We should all try it.

Screaming at people how un-woke and racist they are is exactly why we’re in the situation we’re in. How is that not apparent to everyone?

What you need to understand is that the bulk of people are inherently reasonable. Not all of them, but most of them. Further, such peoples’ views are largely informed by “sides” they have taken, rather than deep thought on the issues. When you start to discuss things with them, in a way that makes them rationalize

I agree with you to some extent - I have a friend, born and bred and staying in Missouri. I think I’ve had a good influence in areas like religious tolerance and LGBTI issues.

I’ve noticed that if you invite people to the table, you can have a meaningful conversation. Baby steps.

You are no different than her sweet heart. Enjoy Trump baby, because dumb fucks like you brought him on us. The next time you want to tell someone laying tile 65 hours a week about his white privilege, DON’T! The next time you try to pick a fight with 66 percent of the population, DON’T! Stick to writing about

Because engaging in a civil debate instead of slinging explatives in all caps is so harmful, right? I respect the hell out of him for keeping his composure and covering many issues. I get what he’s attempting and it deserves more respect than this.

if we cant be willing to other peoples voices who we dislike, we are no better than those who refuse to listen to ours.

Tired of seeing this “burn the whole damn house down” sentiment because Trump got elected. First Fallon got flack for being Fallon on The Tonight Show, and now Noah is booking his guests and somehow supposed to morph into Brinkley like Jon Stewart never did to O’Reilly.

I think I do. I’ve definitely gotten him to change the way he views gay marriage. BLM is trickier, and it is a SLOOOOOOOOOOOOWW process. But so far, I’ve at least been able to get this dude to see things from a different perspective than his own.

I’m serious! The point of good discourse is to get people to see the world differently and to open their minds. That may sound corny, but that really is the point. Trevor Noah has a hell of a lot more patience than I do.

This is good. This is reasonable and lively debate- may be the only way to ever reach people like her. Yelling at her and screaming “YOU BITCH YOU BITCH YOURE A RACIST FUCKWAD” will never make someone like Tami Tahren question how she views the world or change her opinions.

Yeah, I sadly think Stephen Hawking was being generous when he said he gives humanity another 1,000 years.

We might also consider building self-sustaining biodomes on a mass scale.

You’re underestimating his sway in Small Town America. His soothing voice and bland slab of face is just the thing to ease people like my in-laws into breaking reports about staycations and easy summer up-dos.

Your article title is absolutely perfect Brendan, no snark.