
Am I the only one who thinks it'd be hilarious if they found some way to kill off James Marsden's android in every episode? The "Kenny" of prestige drama.

Vim at least defaults to 8 (at least in RHEL clusters I've used, plus the mac I'm typing this on). This makes it a fucking pain when you go to a real text editor like Atom or Sublime and the python code you edited using both editors is just royally fucked.

In keeping with the theme of The Simpsons, my friends and I took to saying "boo-urns" when something wouldn't go our way or something disappointed us. I still do it to this day, but to my dismay few people get the reference…

The joke about the violinist and the positions made another cameo in this episode and still makes no sense. Did they not have ANYONE check for the fact that, you know, violinists also shift hand positions while playing??

He works on a typewriter, deigning himself to be above the DOS filesystem.

As much as I love having a combo musical guest/performer on SNL, it drives me up the wall when NBC pulls sketches from streaming sites because the guest uses portions of some song the network doesn't have rights to in the sketch, as was the case for Lady Gaga's opening monologue, the "Covers" sketch, and the 12:55

Is the other callback to his internal clock (I think it's when he's eating pizza with Rebel?) also accurate?

…Or Cocaine…

Did anyone else have trouble understanding what Herbert Love was actually saying? I had to rewatch a lot of those moments (in Red Hairing and George Sr.'s episode) just to catch his dialogue. I know a lot of it is supposed to be empty political pandering, but if they really meant for him to be unintelligible, that's a

I think there's something to be said for evaluating the quality of this season's episodes in a vacuum, or at the very least simply against other AD episodes. I agree that compared to most of today's comedy shows (especially network comedies), the writing of pretty much every episode of AD Season 4 wins out. That says

Definitely disappointed. I was worried something like this would happen; as good as the Batman trilogy was, what works for one does not necessarily work for the other. Part of Superman's appeal is his somewhat hokey small-town upbringing, his goofy Clark Kent side, and his larger-than-life abilities (the guy is

THAT explanation makes a lot more sense—I hadn't thought the maca plant actually served a narrative purpose. Though the observation of George being a dunce still stands—the George Sr. of the original series would never, for example, think that a drawing of a wall was whatever he actually thought it was in the first

Double Crossers felt like the worst episode of the season for me, even after a rewatch. I never really got the whole George Sr. — Oscar switcheroo. Yes George Sr. was always a pawn to the far wilier Lucille in the original series, but he was NEVER a dunce. It just doesn't make sense based on the character as we're

I just felt like a lot of the India-related jokes were cheap, the cheapest just being that there are too many people at the pool/at the beach to actually see the beach. Also agree with your "shaman" beef. Without the hilarity of Tobias' journey there, it all  just seemed a little lazy—not the kind of laziness I expect

So has anyone established why Lindsay looks so…bizarre in this ep? Don't think this counts as spoilers but Portia DeRossi definitely begins to look more like herself as the season progresses, though I'm not sure if the season timeline and shooting timeline were even the same.

Did anyone else feel like the actor playing Danny Chung played it more robot than person? The way he would deliver his lines seemed so incredibly unnatural I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to laugh because, or in spite of it…

"I don't want these."

Did anyone feel like they got serious laughs out of any of the Lindsay or George Sr. episodes? I feel like both of those characters relied heavily on others (especially Michael) in the original series, and none of the gags involving (in Lindsay's case) Marky Bark or Herbert Love, or alternatively, (in George Sr.'s

I think the fact that Kristen Wiig was so spot on as a young Lucille sort of masked just how awkward Rogen was opposite her, which is to say he wasn't very good at all.

I've watched the first GOB episode a few times now—the roofie circle gag probably got the most laughs from me out of all the eps—but the viewer doesn't know who the person who actually GIVES him syphalis, do they? It's the sort of thing I feel could easily have been tucked in somewhere, waiting to be discovered