
Wow - maybe we’ll see these two teams play each other on Sunday Night Baseball sometimes now!

Alright, I’ll take your word for it. But in general I feel like there is often a tendency for people to say something is objectification when really it is just an honest assessment of the reality that the first thing people tend to notice about someone else is their appearance. It sucks, but it’s biology. You meet a

Wait, so, describing someone’s physical features and pointing out you find them attractive is always objectification? I thought objectification was when you only cared about the physical features and everything else about them was irrelevant. I haven’t read the book (and likely won’t) but that doesn’t seem to be the

Because it’s 2017 and people have to find a way to fucking bitch about everything.

How does a trailer create a backlash because of nostalgia? How is that even possible? About 70% of all movies, books, and television shows are nostalgic. Did these same people hate Stranger Things too?