
Truth. The nonchalant putting $500 on a wrist band, and I’m working 50 hours a week with a master’s degree and sometimes wonder how we’re getting groceries.

Like, I hope this is a transcript of a, like, literal conversation and this idiot didn’t type up, like, a description of her experience using these words.

like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

Bryce makes a nice sidekick to the real star of the Nats, Trea Turner. Dude has been insane this week.

I am an O’s fan and that was fun and entertaining but I don’t know if I will feel comfortable rooting for anyone named Seth

No you stupid hack the White House is not a place you get to walk in and scream things Is that something too complex for you? Is the fact that you can’t treat the White House like the public square somehow confuse your ideas of free speech ? God you can’t really be this dumb right ?

Hey. This is the Tom Lipschultz in question. As a general comment, I’d like to suggest that people read the entire discussion on our forums before forming any sort of judgment here.

I seriously doubt that right wing speakers on campus have been responsible for the shift, especially given that college age students overwhelmingly vote Democratic.

Why not? If there’s demand and interest and the consideration of different viewpoints and WHY people feel the way they do, doesn’t that have value? I’m not curious about how to become more racist, but I am curious as to why and what made people like that that way.

He has never advocated harming anyone you’re completely full of shit. This is how the mob works though. This is your religion and anyone you disagree with you just call dangerous so you can feel good about yourselves as you shut them down.

Yes you will never be able to shut down speech because you’ve decided it’s settled, sorry. The mob doesn’t get to decide where and when speech is ok. The whole point of free speech is free , not mob approved.

Milo was invited by a student organization to speak. No matter your or my opinion of him, the students who paid for the hall, security and the speaker himself have the right to hear the speaker and Milo has the right to speak his bullshit. You can’t be halfway on the First Amendment. Either ALL speech is protected or

Wrong. You don’t get to stop the other side from speaking by screaming at them or causing harm or making discussion impossible and then say oh see that’s just my free speech being louder then yours. The coming generation of kids will rebel against their pc parents in the most extreme ways they can and pc world will

Because what happened there is what liberals are doing at campuses everywhere. To act like you don’t know this is one of many examples is disingenuous. These losers are out of control and they do it because they think they will get likes from their fellow intolerables

Hahaha. This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen written. You’re advocating for constant violent battles instead of the 1st amendment, which unlike your idiotic opinion, is ACTUALLY what the us was founded on.

except there have been numerous incidents that more or less echo what happened at reason to lie...

so was Charlie Hebdo ... they thought that that magazine was racist and needed shutting down... it’s like punching a Nazi but scoring a knockout...

It’s actually really easy: if the protestors start breaking the law, you arrest them. Otherwise, you haven’t got the Constitutional mandate to shut down their protest.

Well if you don’t want to hear someone’s ideas, leave. You came to them, didn’t like what you heard, so they have to leave? I would never go to an alt-right talk because I don’t want to hear their ideas, I don’t show up at the event to hear more.

Left-wing critics of liberalism instead see the free-speech rights of the oppressed and the oppressors set in zero-sum conflict, so that the expansion of one inevitably comes at the cost of the other.