
Dumb people would have to disappear first. Given that I got into a facebook argument with someone who thinks the earth is flat, I have 0% faith in that happening, ever.

“games are won in the third quarter” -nobody

The criticism that James Harden plays to draw fouls isn’t new, but it remains 100% true. According to the way the game is called, that supposedly makes him “crafty,” but holy shit is it brutal to watch. The NBA needs to put its foot down on players initiating contact with unnatural movements. Superstars or not, refs

“I have a lot of blood and urine. Now if you will excuse me I have to roll these barrels of pee over to my locker and kill a hobo for his blood.”

I believe the “assumption” in the United States is that anyone of any race/color/gender/what-have-you is “allowed” to use whatever is legal. I’ve never once heard anyone even allude to “not being allowed” to use a retail product.

Ok, thanks for the rundown. I’m still not seeing a reason for the backlash though, unless they’ve completely abandoned advertising to black women or certain subtypes of hair. Seems natural that white women also hate their hair. Nearly every woman I know has hated one aspect or another about their hair, or been

I don’t need your permission for anything related to my appearance. Yes I do assume I can go out and buy whatever hair care I like. As should you.

I’m with you on this. It seems like tall people getting mad at a “Big and Tall” store because they ran an ad that happened to focus on overweight people even though they still carry tall sizes as well.

Not representing them? If I’m to understand this correctly, this company has been around for at least a few years, marketing and advertising exclusively to black women. They throw one or two lighter-skinned women in an ad or two and suddenly black woman feel *excluded*?

So let me get this straight. Black woman loved a product until they saw a lighter-skinned woman using it? And now they hate it?

The part that’s insane — and not more than a bit hypocritical and racist — is that SheaMoisture is, I’m guessing, still making all of the extremely profitable products for black women that they’ve always made. Only the commercial is trying to be more inclusive as they expand the product line. So what this

Truth. As a black woman this uproar seems kind of crazy. If Shea products work for you why would you stop using them just because white people are now in the commercials? Makes no sense.

I told you exactly how I feel without hiding it. People got very racist - waaay more racist towards whites than any other nation now days. You can hate Trump, you can hate nazis, you can hate racists, but regular white folks do not represent those groups. They are also not nearly as hysterical and quick to paint

The fact people are even talking about this and arguing on a website just shows you how messed up this world is that people give a company crap over something like this. The PC culture is destroying this world. I feel so sorry for younger generations that have to deal with this.

Are you being sarcastic? He just offered another perspective and you literally offered nothing to the conversation. I have something to offer: in a culture striving for inclusiveness, I find the reaction really disturbing and kind of a double standard.

Wait, so, did they actually change their formula, or is that just what some people are saying on Twitter?

This is ridiculous. Black ppl need to chill on this one. Theres so few black owned businesses on a national level that are really doing it and we are not going to support them because they want white womens money too? Ok, let’s jus dump our money into Pantene or the other white owned hair care products who jus jumped

How do you whitewash marketing? If the point of the ad is to let white people know a product works for their hair also, wouldn’t that just be targeting a new market segment? This would be like getting pissed at Cadillac when their marketing realized that their brand can’t be only old white people, because those folks

>this wasn’t a public safety issue

Stupid shit like jaywalking is a crime to generate revenue for government.