Also known as “p-hacking”, the social sciences in particular are rife with this problem — and we’re going to see a lot more of it as more data becomes available to more people without the proper statistical training.
Also known as “p-hacking”, the social sciences in particular are rife with this problem — and we’re going to see a lot more of it as more data becomes available to more people without the proper statistical training.
Thanks. :) For anyone interested in the tech side of things, Engadget has become a nice replacement for me. It’s still 10%-15% activistic, but even in those articles there’s less vitriol (zero name calling), and the articles are not quite as dry as The Verge.
I, too, dropped Gizmodo for the same reasons. As long as the headlines on LH make it easy to skip, it’ll stay. For now.
“This lady was a couple pumps over and talking to me and yelling at somebody about having a message for her. I had no idea what she was talking about,” Bob said. “I was coming around the side of the car, and next thing I know a car blocks me in. She comes out of her car, gets in my face and yelling at me about…
Yeah, I would give my Senator a piece of my mind, but then I would be guilty of whiteplaining and mansplaining. So I’ll keep sharing my political views where they should be shared, at a bar when I am drunk.
Next weeks headline: “Men are monopolizing discussions with their congressional representatives, preventing women from getting their problems adressed. Men: Get out of the way, it’s time for the women to lead!”
I subscribe to lifehacker for lifehacks. Is it possible to subscribe to afiltered lifehacker RSS feed without having to read posts like this?
Allow me to summarize this site the last couple days: Men you are pieces of $h*t and should be ashamed of yourselves for all you don’t do.
owning a $60K car and a boat doesn’t make you rich, it might just mean you have a load of debt. making assumptions about people because of what they drive and the color of their skin generally doesn’t end well
Men are too busy working and supporting the family while women sit at home with nothing better to do than protest. None of their protesting has changed a damn thing.
Really, we’re just gonna let this go because it’s a white person with a boat?
More words, please? It’s ok to be attacked simply because you own a Porsche and a boat? Are you seriously attempting to make that argument?
I’m doped up on cold medicine. You get what you get. You’re lucky the writing is mostly Rnglish.
This feels really icky and exploitative regardless of his other work. Sorry. And, there is really no way to tell if it was this or something else on the application that got him accepted, and it’s many times more likely that it was something else.
The 18-year-old has been invited to the White House Iftar dinner, led Martin O’Malley’s youth presidential campaign, and interned and worked for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Neither did whoever came up with that ridiculous, misleading headline. Considering everything else this young man has done, I seriously doubt writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times is what got him into Stanford. But hey, it did get him the kind of attention any activist would want.
Activism needs boots on the ground not hashtags and fb profile pictures. Hastags are fine but if that is all you got you insult everyone who really did something for civil rights.
It’s funny - I went to Augusta and had fun, and would definitely go back. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to because I haven’t won the lottery for practice or tournament rounds due to the number of people that voluntarily want to go as well.
I did not feel oppressed - the one wacky rule was the “no cell phones”.…
I back whatever course that prohibits some dip yelling “mashed potatoes” after every shot.
None of Augusta’s rules mentioned in this piece are in any way comparable to the worst dictatorship on the planet. If we really consider looking and behaving in a civilized manner for a couple hours to be a huge ask, that’s more an indictment of how trashy modern society has become than anything.