
You are insanely ignorant and so proud of it.

You’re wrong and an unbelievable idiot. They absolutely do. Do you feel like a big important guy when you pull things out of your ass?

I’m sure people, probably including your family, go out of their way to not be around you.

It blows my mind that someone can be this stupid.

Unless its a public university. So you’re wrong and an idiot. Additionally private institutions generally have their own rules mirroring this.

I find it hard to believe that anyone could be this oblivious and uneducated.

Its such oblivious bullshit.

Hahaha. This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen written. You’re advocating for constant violent battles instead of the 1st amendment, which unlike your idiotic opinion, is ACTUALLY what the us was founded on.

Wow. What a stupid, beside the point thing to say.

Another stupid pointless besides the point question by an idiot.

Wow. Youre a fucking moron.

Just come out and say you support the ability of violent mobs to shut down events that they’ve decided they disapprove of.

Are you seriously this dumb?

Odd how everyone you talk to is a racist. You’re a hysterical, uneducated nobody. No one cares what you think about anything, regardless of how loud you scream and flap your fat arms, and they never will.

You’re a hysterical bitch because you aren’t attractive or desirable to anyone, and so subconsciously you think the best way to be noticed is to be as loud, obnoxious and unreasonable as possible. I’m sorry that no one, white or black wants to or will ever be with you. Maybe if you’re lucky you can get some brotha to

Yeah what a jerk. You know more than him.

Yeah probably. Or maybe he understands gun safety and you don’t, and make literally everything about race no matter what the facts are. You are an extremely.....extremely unintelligent person.

Yeah he’s white. What a jerk. Really give it to him. I bet he has a job and doesn’t even had several kids from different mothers that he’s abandoned. What a honky square.

Just looked through your post history and boy was I ever right. Use all caps a little more. You come off so well spoken and rational. I’d be shocked if you had the mental ability to be someones secretary.

Great use of commas and all caps “lol”. I feel pretty secure in the thought that I’m much....much smarter than you.