Hahahahaha, white people right??? What a bunch of terrible people. You seem intelligent and well spoken.
Hahahahaha, white people right??? What a bunch of terrible people. You seem intelligent and well spoken.
Ohhhh, do you not know what the word ignorance means either ? Sad.
Clearly you really really do. And it’s not about erasure. You clearly don’t understand what that word means.
In one advertisement. Once.
Holy shit you are stupid.
Right, it’s about hysterical people like yourselves need for constant attention and affirmation.
No one has to do anything. And this has nothing to do with the amount of effort it takes black women to do their hair, it’s about a company trying to make money by expanding their consumer base. Your outrage is bizarre and misplaced.
Maybe if you rephrase that in English I’ll answer you.
Oh, so you’re a literal 6 year old. That actually makes sense.
Wow you just keep upping the ante on stupid borderline hysterical b.s. that doesn’t in any way pertain to what’s being discussed. It must have taken some serious effort, and mental gymnastics, to become as stupid as you are. And I mean that sincerely.
That has literally nothing to do with what is being discussed, by anyone, but congrats on.....saying something I guess.
This is hands down one of the dumbest things I’ve maybe ever seen written. Not a single thing you’ve written (poorly) addresses why a company can’t, once, dare to have white people in their commercials to attempt to make more money.
Wow you’re really really dumb.
Yeah, you should be able to say whatever you want without anyone questioning you in any way. And if they do its because they’re racists (despite not actually saying anything racist). Congrats on embodying a negative stereotype.
Great. No one anywhere cares what you think about anything.
No it really isn’t at all.
You definitely do though. Sorry about your lack of intelligence.
Ain’t isn’t a word. Sorry you’re such an unintelligent and unreasonable person.
What an idiotic pointless thing to write. Congrats on not being very intelligent!
What a stupid pointless thing to say.