
And so everyone has to cater to some people’s delusions because they (think) have a relationship with the product? That’s idiotic and borderline mentally ill.

You are an extremely unintelligent person.

Are you fucking retarded?

Actually changes to Wikipedia absolutely are reviewed. Pretty extensively actually. Sorry you didnt know that. Probably because you’re not an intelligent person.

Write kindly shut the fuck up a few more times. And what you’re  asking for is raw market research, which is not publically available.

Nah I’m good. You dont get to start an argument and demand a fucking term paper about a very well documented trend, and then decide when the conversation ends.

Haha.Glad I’m not you.

I mean, I’m a capitol hill staffer for the house of reps,and have been for 5 years. But yeah youre right. I hate smart people and reallllly wish I was like you. I bet you’re a real success.

So A+, but also 7/10? Why two different grading scales and dissperate scoring? Its almost like you can barely put a sentence together.

Nothing left to argue ? We’re not arguing. I’m telling you what is a widely accepted industry fact. Your opinion means nothing, you’re just some dumb college student who’s been trained to think that anyone who doesn’t say the right buzzwords is racist. Also I love how to you a troll is someone who says something you

Its spelled cited. And I don’t have time to write you a term paper dipshit. It’s pretty clear you aren’t very intelligent. Sorry about that. No one anywhere cares what you think about anything.

Its extremely well known. And frankly not even disputable. It’s why the Madea movies do so well and continue to be made. It’s why mainstream hip hop has been extremely slow to accept gay people, and why Frank ocean was considered to be revolutionary. My sources? Haha. Please stop talking about things you have no idea

They’re planning on marketing this movie to black audiences. Who have the lowest threshold of gay acceptance of perhaps any other market.

Beyond hilarious

Wrestling isn’t real.

Eh, you should probably kill yourself

Luckily its against the Phillies so they’ll probably come back

Directly from me to you: kill yourself.