
Rape is complicated because any “innocent until proven guilty” argument means that, by definition, you have to assume the victim/accuser is lying until proving he/she is not. It’s not a “pathetic hill to die on” if you A) were there and know it to be an illegitimate accusation or B) have no reason to suspect that it

The more outrageous the claims the more likely they are to be false, this is basic occam’s razor level stuff. To have a dozen men choose to be rapists together without a single one having any moral qualms and no one else witnessing it is far harder to happen than having 3 men do it, for example.

And all accusations of rape, especially those of a dozen men holding down and each taking turns systematically raping a girl, are always 100% true, even if both the PD and the DA believe she’s lying.........

The absence of charges after she claimed a dozen guys ran a rape train on her with an audience cheering them on seems to me that the DA and the PD both thinks she’s full of shit.

I’m not sure a 90 second video can prove consent. This is precisely why I always ask any potential sex partner if I can record a video of the entire encounter. They leave immediately and I don’t have to worry about being charged with sexual assault.

What a pathetic hill to die on. If they boycotted because a rapist(s) went unpunished, that would be awesome. I’d even happily accept boycotting a game because they don’t get paid. But to boycott in support of rapists?

Unless there was more going on before the point that video above starts that’s a pretty horrible call. And I’ve long felt like the Steelers are given more leeway by the refs to “play hard”, AKA cheap shots and overly aggressive moments. OBJ kinda annoys me but I think he’s got a point, especially this being the same

I know this plays into all the existing off the shelf narratives about Beckham being a whiny cry baby (which he is unfortunately), but the officiating in that game truly was abysmal. He actually has a point here.

Wait, you’re accusing the celebrity blog of being some sort of orthodox politically correct mouthpiece?

This is probably very obvious, but I just needed it out of me

The Jez generation have been trained to parse every image and utterance for transgression against the new orthodoxy. This goes for everything from old TV shows to family photos to commercials to whatever you put in front of them. They can’t just switch it off. It’s always running, it’s reflex.

Did you read those ridiculous takes that he linked though? They talk about a fictional world as if it were real life and they get genuinely upset over a fictitious world. That is the world the writers wished to create with the show and it’s insane that “Lack of Gay Cowboys’ is a fucking complaint. It’s like those

No, that’s not what’s happening. A cursory read of the reactions in question would reveal that. Even the very first link says Westworld is “presenting compelling women and then subjecting them to scenarios that rob them of their dignity”. So what? Who cares? They’re not real! Their dignity doesn’t matter! The article


Look I’m not trying to tell people what should or shouldn’t upset them. I’m a believer of freedom! I don’t think anyone’s will should be imposed on others.

I’m not defending the groper. Mainly because there was no groper. That is my point. No one groped, no one was groped. HELLO! If someone was actually groped, I’d be on your side. But no one was groped!

You’re an idiot. I have empathy. Sexual assault is one of the few things in the world that I actually have strong feelings about. I do not support sexual assault.

Yeaaa unfortunately this game just died with its activity....does anyone still play it?

Well, let’s hope the children are OK and everyone else is dead.

This was the closest thing to a college game the NFL has produced in a while. Bad football. Beds were shitted.