I adore The Incredibles! Much as I like Persepolis, I'd rather see Brad Bird's wonderful movie on this list.
I adore The Incredibles! Much as I like Persepolis, I'd rather see Brad Bird's wonderful movie on this list.
It was up on YouTube but has been taken down - keep checking, though! People with iPhones are out there.
I am shouting, "NO!" Like a Sendak character.
What you said. Thank you.
I wish I knew!
Good for you! By the time we got to the "Expendables 2" trailer I was too busy clutching my head despairingly to try heckling.
That they did. I was trying to answer all my 14-year-old's questions, however, so that sopped up some of the time.
Oh, I am SO sorry! At some point there'll be YouTube. It's just the Avengers + shawarma - no dialogue even. But it is hilarious.
How many people in your theater actually stayed long enough to see the Avengers eating shawarma? Most (not all) people at the showing I attended knew to linger long enough for the "normal" post-credits sequence, but at least half were gone before the coda.
Have seen a couple of trailers and now I really, really want to see it. I just hope Kristen Stewart can handle this kind of role.
Yeah, but the two Hulk-outs were terrific Hulk-outs. And I was thrilled to have that much Dr. Banner, because Mark Ruffalo.
And indeed, the trailers reinforced that point. "Battleship," anyone?
Somewhere way, way downthread someone has reported that the number of tickets sold is also a record.
HOW ABOUT THE SHAWARMA SCENE?! It made me very, very happy.
This? Is perfect.
I was SO startled that got past the censors! Not one of whom, cleary, has spent much time in the UK.
I got a horrendous headache, but we were not quite far enough back. Utterly enjoyed the movie - but I think my second viewing will be in 2D.
Did Hemingway really reload mid-suicide?! (Yes, I realize this isn't exactly an io9 question, but holy shit, someone just told me this and I'm having a mild breakdown.)
I would SO enroll my child in the same school as these kids.
Me three. That thing is beyond desirable.