
They shouldn’t be covered by the ACA then. There has to be a firewall between any public health funding/infrastructure and religious institutions who pretend to practice and feign the appearance of practicing medicine. Innocent citizens are suffering and being put in grave danger over policies that are not based in

Even worse:

Private Catholic hospital. No impermissible mingling of church and state there. Still fucked up, however.

Doctors decided they would delay until the woman showed signs of sepsis.

Fair point, but I don't think that's what this acceptance speech was. It was pretty head on a response to Kanye taking credit for her fame (which is utter bullshit). She should be allowed to stand up for herself and that's what this seemed to be about.

I think it’s the thing where a lot of times when taylor “Does Feminism” it’s sort of like watching someone you know perform underwhelmingly in live theater. like good for her! but I want it to done by someone better. And if that’s not an option I want to leave my seat and go somewhere else.

I’m super not getting what insufferable thing Taylor Swift did here.

Playing the long kan-ye.


Kanye getting in the way of Kylie’s paper is indefensible

Hey Kanye ^^^

Same. I was a Kanye apologist for a long time (and I really do think he is talented) but between him slut-shaming his ex-girlfriend and now defending a serial rapist....I’m out.

And with that even I cannot defend Kanye any more.

1) self-explanatory

Ohh I think they have chemistry coming out of their ears!

The notebook is trash. And it’s not romantic and it’s a terrible story but.... I would watch just the sex scenes like nobody’s business forever so...a wash?

Serious question: Do you not think that with some opposition research from Republicans in the fall that someone could compile a similar (albeit likely smaller) list for Sanders? A lot of this is throwing meaningless shit at the wall. Just for one example, Sanders was a “state’s rights” guy on gay marriage. Why?

I sure hope you are getting paid to regurgitate that list, which I’ve seen in more than one place.

Preach! And if one more fucking person tells me that they like that Bernie doesn’t care about his haircut, I am going to have at them. Hillary can’t do that, because every aspect of her appearance is evaluated and criticized.

Yes. If people spent as much time taking apart Sanders positions as they do Clinton’s he would have been done with months ago. If he wins this, the next president will be a republican.