Stevie Nicks. I’ve seen her in concert several times (solo and with Fleetwood Mac), have all her albums, and cosplayed her at Dragon*Con. If I met her I would never stop crying and then I would die.
Stevie Nicks. I’ve seen her in concert several times (solo and with Fleetwood Mac), have all her albums, and cosplayed her at Dragon*Con. If I met her I would never stop crying and then I would die.
I hate what she’s become, but she built up enough goodwill with me that my initial reaction on meeting her would be much closer to Nicki’s than anything else.
I would fall over dead and my corpse probably ugly cry if I got to meet Neil Young.
Poor Leonard, doomed to roam this earth until movie & tv soundtracks stop using Hallelujah incorrectly. He really is going to live forever.
Other than Taylor Swift, you mean.
If his tests are positive, it was rigged. Duh.
President Obama is frequently credited as playing chess where everyone else is playing checkers. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is playing “nuh uh, YOU are, nyahhhhh.”
I’m convinced that he uses a Kevlar-based hairspray that solidifies on contact.
Jesus, he really does think he’s rubber and everyone else is glue.
You mean the thing you use to cover up that your pie cracked in the center...
Ok, so this rally today was at the Portsmouth Toyota dealership—a dealership I had until yesterday relied on for services. Not anymore. I wrote them a scathing email and canceled my latest appointment. What’s funny is that Seacoast NH is mostly liberal, so they will definitely take a hit in local business for this.
Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.
“but I believe it is possible for most to rhetorically trounce Trump without additional chemical assistance”. With half of her brain cells tied behind her back.
But the Adderall is “prescription” so it’s OK.
He knows coke, meth and Adderall and its equivalents all will show up, right?
Maybe during Wednesday’s debate, halfway through, she can offer Trump to take a break so he can go “powder his nose.”
Fair enough. As long as Trump is willing to take an IQ test.
Wholly, completely disagree. I have a lab mix and a pit mix, and lived with my mom and her two cats for a year. These are my empirical and scientifically meritorious conclusions, based on approximately one year of observation and data collection:
1.) My lab has literally the worst farts ever. LITERALLY THE WORST.…