Same. Thankfully I didn’t see it when it came out I theatres, but waited for it to come on on video.
Same. Thankfully I didn’t see it when it came out I theatres, but waited for it to come on on video.
Plus, Rose didn’t love him. There was room on that door.
All their music sounds exactly the same to me, but at least Candy has an ass she can twerk with. Lord. Those other two are flat as pancakes. I tried out a Lil Debbie video for the first time and it made me sad in my heart. Girl, sit down.
I want to see this movie because I love Susan Sarandon and Rose Byrne, but my own Mother told me a few years ago that she doesn’t like being around me. I may never see her again. I’m afraid that I’ll be so jealous of the character who has a Mom that actually gives a crap that I’ll cry for days and throw something at…
They didn’t mean to run the man over. It was just so hard to see out of the eyeholes of their Klan hoods.
Okay, Pence, tell me what is not “deplorable” about these two
Sometimes it’s really difficult to stick to my anti-death penalty convictions.
My daughter has finally gotten over her dairy allergy. And not a moment too soon.
My state too, actually.
Also, vegan cheese should not be allowed to use the name cheese.
It’s nice to see two industries that have a huge environmental impact on land and air duking it out over liquid hegemony instead of figuring out how to make their production processes better from beginning to end.
I’m completely milk agnostic, but the dairy and dairy substitute industries kind of annoy me with their…
hey man i was told not to drink milk already by this very website bc its not what wild animals do and all humans must follow their ways so
There’s no such thing as Almond Milk or Soy’s called juice. Until we genetically modify fruit to have udders that is...
I kind of need him to get back together with Julianne Hough so they can have the beigest babies to ever beige.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I hate myself.
If beige was a person it’d be Seacrest. But some people like beige, go figure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s just so fucking childish to have a him centered response, though, you know what I mean? Like woman don’t exist in space and time for men’s approval and validation. That pisses me off for you.