can we ship him back to Canada with out return recept?
can we ship him back to Canada with out return recept?
Not that they should be shut down, which I know is a touchy subject at he moment. But when Mark Salling was arrested for numerous child pornohraphy and reports suggested an ex tipped off the police Hollywoodlife is the site that wondered if she should have minded her own business. They are pretty much the worst.
This is just too precious. I have a hard time believing his fans know how to spam. And who would they even petition?! Most likely, he just sent a $hit-ton of traffic their way.
Didn’t he pay attention to the Gawker case? If someone is saying something you don’t like you just sue them into oblivion. You don’t give them free publicity with your loyal army of teenage girls.
sounds like this move will just bring more attention and traffic to hollywood life
Read their text messages. He was an abusive piece of shit. Throw the book at him.
“Let us understand when you combine these factors. It is not a man who is running with two healthy legs who wants to protect his girlfriend.”
My friend’s young son had a similar condition and amputation of both legs. He’s surprisingly nimble when he goes about the house without his prosthetics. I also found this a little ... unconvincing. (Funny kid - my favorite story was when he was at the beach and a kid asked him what happened to his legs. He stared off…
I think it’s fine that he removed his prosthetic legs to better give an idea of the night in question. But they should also give him a gun. Because he also had a fucking gun.
Through this whole trial I have not for one second believed anything the defense has said. His wobbling reminds me of OJ trying on the blood- soaked gloves and proclaiming that they didn’t fit. Sure.
Acting in self defense of what? The girlfriend he didn’t even check to see if she was in bed, before shooting into adjoining the bathroom at a random noise?
Half gay means he only does gay stuff with one half of his body? But I’m not sure if the split is down the middle (left side gay, right side straight) or between the top and bottom halves.
They did not attack the fans, they said something about Bush. Very different things. No need to be fucking dramatic because an artist doesn’t share your political views. Have a fucking mint julep or something.
Ahh, the Dixie Chicks. Wide Open Spaces was my anthem as I went to college. I will always be amazed at how quickly they fell because butthurt Americans couldn’t handle them saying something negative about Bush. Fucking babies.
the people who tell others they cannot stand at a concert are the worst and should be shamed.
GELLA-LLAP, 1:1- We shell not trust each other with bear arms, but we shell trust each other by carrying any kind of weapons, just encase if we panic or shell dislike each other. Let us all purge.
She was on fire last night. Unapologetically calling people out who are calling for moments of silence and praying, but doing nothing else or actively fighting against measures that would make it harder for people to get guns. Basically screaming common sense at people. It’s worth watching the whole thing.
I personally thought this article was a satire.
True. I wish I could be a Successful Mediocre White Woman. It seems like such a good life :'(