I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
No shows don't generally run on time, but that's usually due to opening bands running over, equipment being set up/adjusted, and not just the complete and total lateness of the performer. She's such an entitled brat.
That legitimately looks like something I made when I was 11. I also made horrendous other jewelry from clay. Hmmm...I think I need to get drunk, come up with some products, and open an etsy shop.
Totally clicked here expecting the outrage to be about the Girl Scouts encouraging Barbie to have abortions or something. Thanks for keeping it fresh, America.
Too soon, and not funny, actually it will never be funny because pregnant women are too vulnerable and stats are not in their favor.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, let the adoption agency reject them because of Sean Penn's history of violence. I fear for this child.
I want to know who chewed him out irl. Jason routinely tweets stupid shit without giving a damn about who he upsets. Someone must have put the fear of god in him. Either that, or finding out that the deaths he was mocking included a bunch of white people was enough to make him feel bad.
Since you make so much fucking money, you should be treating us all to lunch at Olive Garden. Put up or shut up.
Again, I acknowledged that they were wrong in categorizing her swimsuit as underwear - but that doesn't negate the fact that there is a Health Code regulation regarding attire allowed in public pools, upon which the employee was basing their actions. Pool employees know that swimmers are not allowed in the pool in…
Don't all bikinis look like bras and panties? Maybe it's because I'm a big enough cup size that I buy my swimsuit from the same place that manufactures my bras, but there's no real difference in coverage.
I'm not going to argue that she doesn't get work done, and benefits from having great stylist, make up artists, estheticians. But lol that is definitely not what "not attractive at all" looks like. She is actually quite attractive, but in a normal person way and is wearing bad make up.
L'Oreal stopped testing on animals? I DID NOT KNOW THIS!!!
I think it's fair to consider everyone involved in this awful. The only innocent victim I see here are the poor animals.
Actually, I'm the trained therapist in this bunch...
Right on! And how dare they suggest the Alamuddin's family would have her murdered for marrying him. Outrageous! That's a real woman with a real family. AND a woman who spends her time as a human rights lawyer and activist no less. You know, trying to make the world a better place.
They expect people to not share appetizers? Isn't that what appetizers are for?!
"I'm not one to come in Lagerfeld's defense, but that's exactly what I'm about to spend two paragraphs doing."
Coco Chanel: Very good designer, excellent businessperson and a rather nasty, opportunistic human being.There's a reason why she "retired" for a while and was basically rescued by rich, idealistic Americans.