
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”

Patrick has been fired for not referencing the extensive real-world history of ballistas being used to kill flame-breathing magical lizards the size of 747s.

It was Kevan’s POV (he walks in on dead Pycelle), but yeah, most people are of the impression that that chapter is the closest we’ll ever get to knowing Varys’s true intentions since he was monologuing to a dying man.

Yeah okay EGM. You got me once before in the 90s. NOT THIS TIME!

I prefer chugging ten beers over the course of a boss fight for healing. Stagger swagger.

My kids also shit while watching video over my shoulder. It’s so goddamn annoying.

Do these sites not realize what a huge percentage of their audience comes from bored office workers who may well not be able to watch videos without attracting unwanted attention?

in order to expand video production

No, I have a pretty good idea. It’s a hell of a lot less than when this picture was taken (a week or so after release).

What makes Conor hateable? Sure he’s a loudmouth. But that’s been proven to sell fights.

Jon lost the battle. Sansa won it (whether that would be the case if Sansa wasn’t a moron in that whole scene is a different story). Jon is being rewarded for Sansa showing up and saving his ass.

The entire reason for Tyrion being brought to Daenerys is to help her rule. Varys essentially saved him and brought him to Essos to met Dany and fill the role of Hand. He also happens to be the most experienced, currently living, man at being Hand.

Well ... we know Stannis is going to burn Shireen (and it’s a pretty good bet he dies in battle), but this will be in hugely different circumstances, given that right now they’re roughly as far apart as New York and Chicago with a massive blizzard having dumped feet of snow on the ground. If he say burns her making a

But that’s not what the show actually presented. The Northern lords acclaimed Jon as if he’d *personally* done something great, not just because he was Ned’s son. Same deal with Tyrion—the way the show framed it was as Dany rewarding Tyrion for his good work. Neither earned it (unlike Robb when he got crowned, or Jon

That is a good dog.

As apathetic as I am to current WWE, and as much as the PPV title makes me want to shove Vince down a stairwell a la Brock to Zach Gowen, Roman/Braun and Joe/Brock should be an AWESOME double bill Sunday, on top of a solid looking undercard.

the fact that John Rocker was hanging the Ks was a bit alarming tbh

Did she think the fifth inning was sponsored by White Supremacy?

In fairness, she was at a baseball stadium in Georgia.