Got sucks. Suck me
Got sucks. Suck me
Yall suck. Welcome to online gamung, where everyone is just average. The people at the top aren’t crying. System is working.
Git gud scrub
The suburbs of Atlanta.
They’re going to have to redefine the autism spectrum to account for you
Yeah, sorry not everyone wasted 4 years and $150K on a feminist studies degree.
Get some friends
*fart noise*
No one misses Yannick, right? Fuck that guy
Yep. I’ve always said that Steve Kerr is a werewolf.
Fuck the Olympics
Same, but New York.
This fucking sucks. She ever has been as integral to the development of the dota scene as Tobiwan, BTS, or Dotacinema. Thank you Sheever, for casting games while all these fucking nerds gave you shit for no reason. Fuck cancer.
Several thousands words on a bunch of nerds being creepy. Cool.
Cut your damn hair
God, I thought we got rid of your shitty ass.
Cuz you’re fat
You ever worked retail? They are already miserable.
But is it boring?