Suck it Burneko

That cockroach Jamie Dimon will hang on until the bitter end...

They have Fox News in Australia?

If the bill is still being passed, the protesters have not won.

Jesus. I guess it’s too much to ask the Fort Worth Police to fire a cop whose defense relies on the claim that he can’t control when his SHOTGUN goes off?

Saying you regret buying Bloodbourne only makes you look bad.

Unhinged Spurs fans would have been sending threats no matter what Pop said.

Chelsea Manning is no Edward Snowden.

See, your post doesn’t particularly read like sarcasm because the first paragraph isn’t at all.

Fascinating. What other losing secrets does Hillary still have to share with us?

It’s a little weird how invested Jezebel is in the success of this film.

A web series isn’t going to help change the portrayal of muslim American women in media.

Oh, he behaved himself on camera and in front of other people? Forget all those accusations and the millions he paid out in hush money everyone!  What other proof could we possibly need?

Hopefully. The Wizards suck.

Who cares?

Like it or not (I don’t care about Brady either way) he has cemented his reputation as one of the greatest NFL QBs of all time.


I suppose every Jezebel article about Trump is sexist then, since his appearance is mocked in each one at least once?

Ahahahahaaaaa! Where’s Albert at? Hiding in the bushes?

Please name one Italian sword master.