Suckie McSuck

Professional Wrestler Hulk Hogan Warns Tabloid Website “You Won’t Get Away With This, Brother!”

It’s still real to you, damn it.

Thanks for that. I’m one of those who follows wresting by reading articles like this instead of actually, you know, watching the shows, so succinct little synopses like that are invaluable to me (and others, I’m sure).

Paid appearances at nighclubs?

“Smokin” Joe Biden.

They’re...they’re just so beautiful.

Deadspin Presents: Bad writing about bad writing done by bad writer.

I appreciate his low-key nature.


The greatest trick Nick Saban ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.

Even Stevie Wonder can see what’s going on. Literally. He’s not blind! #TheTruthIsOutThere

Thank god we’re past this sort of racist bullshit here in America.

Now playing

Great doc about touring using that thing.

I agree. Stephen Lang must be stopped.

Damn, that’s a small gym.

iirc, wait, what was I saying?

I couldn’t put my finger on why I had no interest in this mini series but this article summed it up nicely.

Fair enough but you have to admit, the court-side NBA sitting is begging for this sort of discussion.

The local sports radio guys here in Portland seem to enjoy seeing who can be the most woefully uninformed and then marvel at any news of the day or at least their partial understanding of it.