rabble rabble KINJA rabble

It’s not just “they”, it’s us too. How many times has the public essentially gave license to incarcerated criminals to exact further punishment on child molesters, rapists, etc. Too many of these guys behind bars are less than animals or dead inside and yet they know that they have our tacit permission to commit

No, I’m pretty sure this country is going to get exactly what it deserves.

Male sexbots is the solution.

Yeah, I don’t see the “satire.” This is literally what the dominant culture thinks (white) women are like, and what a (white) woman-ruled world would function as. Ho-ho-ho, women don’t like fucking. Ho-ho-ho, manhaters and menicide, or whatever. Ho-ho-ho, dolphins and waves and the moon or some shit.

So it’s playing off the stereotype that women are naturally non-sexual. A couple people in the comments wondered if this was going to do something different with the ‘one gender inherits the earth’ story. Guess not.

But then who would you all make sandwiches for?

It’s probably from a parallel universe where women are actually capable of turning off a light switch.

I kind of want a real cat to be inside that.

Oh my god people this is a picture, only a picture, how can you even tell what type of personnality or how he will look, hard to tell just with a picture, myself will have to wait to see it move, talk and a bit more of the dragon face.

I’ve been googling “sites like io9" just to see where I end up. This site was great, but now the tone is not. I bet the impeding execution at the hands of the Hulk Hogan lawsuit is causing everyone to panic and write up the easiest articles to get pageviews to keep them afloat. Hmm, maybe I should narrow my search

Exactly. Mrs Trendacosta has now very eagerly assumed the position of my least favorite io9 writer. And I consider myself a freakin' liberal. But borderline shutting down io9 only to ramp up polarizing click bait political diatribes like this, ugh, give me a break. The second I find a suitable replacement for io9 I'm

Yes, it is indeed a sad parody of it’s former glory.

Something weird’s happened to this site. We used to get balanced perspectives from writers like Charlie Jane Anders and Annalee Newitz. Now, between this article and Rob Bricken’s unbearable treatise of why Marvel *totally missed out* when it didn’t cast an Asian for the role of Iron Fist — a white character, mind — I

The trolls have become the authors, simple as that. It is sad to see how gawker and co have gone downhill, outside of jalop in it looks pretty bad nowadays

I didn’t coin this phrase, but a quick Google search uncovers this explanation of the phenomenon:

Jeebuz. Did you both just come to a reasonable compromise of opinion and equally take credit for any misunderstanding in the initial encounter? And you did it online?

100% this, and virtue signaling is a great way to put it.

God, io9 has gone downhill. This whole dumb article, like almost everything on Gawker these days, is just narcissistic virtue signaling. You know these idiot writers get giddy every time an opportunity arises to indicate to their mass audience how not-racist, not-sexist, not-homophobic, anti-imperialist and

Can’t wait until Supreme Leader Trump takes over and adds dragons to our military. Maybe builds a Deathstar over Mexico? Whatever he comes up with, it's gonna the best.

It’s a bare necessity.