loren ipsum

I agree with you, but there is one insidious difference between McDonald’s food and a vegan salad, even if the total calories are the same.  Fast food generally has a high glycemic index, which means unless you immediately go and work out, it provokes a large insulin surge, which makes you hungry again much quicker. 

I will admit these stylized, stunty agit-prop documentaries, which were having a bit of moment in the wake of Bowling for Columbine, can be harmful misrepresentations of oft-nuanced issues. However, sometimes it takes some crank making a big stink, yelling “This is not OK!”.

It seems he is finally gone. His Trump documentary was the last one and I haven’t heard a peep about him in years.

My favorite part of Supersize Me is when he blames McDs for killing his libido, after showing him constantly bickering with his girlfriend about the experiment.

Fast food places still to this day try to get people to buy the larger portions for just 50 cents etc.

Idk about the US but Canadian McDonald’s stopped selling super size stuff after that film came out tho. Large is the biggest you can get for at least a decade now.

Tell them we didn’t know capturing a wild Orca whale and forcing it to live in a tank with other Orcas it didn’t know while requiring it to do tricks for food would make them violent until 2013.

My favorite Onion headline from around the time Supersize Me was in theaters:

Agree that context and timeline is really important here. Yes, if Super Size Me came out in 2024 everyone would say “duh”. Part of the reason everyone would say duh is because Super Size Me came out in 2004. Which then paved the way for Food Inc, Jamie Oliver, and ten million Netflix documentaries on the subject that

The thing is, at the end of the day, there is a lot of fear mongering and bad food science going around. For the most part calories are calories. If you are not deficient in a specific vitamin and don’t have an allergy, then two thousand calories of McDonalds or a Vegan Salad is going to do the exact same thing for

It’s somewhat similar to Jamie Oliver crusade over school lunches—there’s a lot to say about it, but he (Oliver) has got so many class blinders that his critiques are more about hating a kind of person than an actual look at the issues. Maybe always an entertainer more than investigator, but the whole of Spurlock’s

i think he actually did go out of his way to call himself out. it was very strange.

During races, professional cyclists eat a gel that’s almost pure sugar to prevent their body from metabolizing muscle protein into glucose.

I’d imagine that any Mickey D’s food could be a fast way to gain back those calories they’re constantly burning so I don’t doubt that claim at all.

Amusingly Twitter was dunking on him this week, well that’s some timing.

My main quibble with Supersize Me (which I otherwise liked) is that he mentioned he gave up his gym membership as part of the experiment. I suppose on the one hand, it better demonstrated what this kind of diet would do to a sedentary person, on the other hand, I’m curious as to how it effects someone who gets regular

I’m the first to criticize this site when they mess something up. So thank you for not just putting what the reveal was in the headline/main image like the folks at Vulture did. I don’t care all that much about spoilers but this seems just like being a dick:

tiny hints”
Were we watching the same show? I can’t imagine getting to episode six and not thinking something was genuinely off with the main character. Alien? Angel? Robot? Time traveler? All teased. There’s no way it should have caught you off guard.

I will agree that it would have worked better to have the reveal

I always wanted Farrell as John Constantine , but I’d be happy with J’onn J’onzz

Yeah! Who would have guessed that the Wayward Pines were actually fir trees instead? (Note: I have not seen the show).