loren ipsum

I choose not to support her because she seems to go out of her way to cause harm to a vulnerable group of people. I encourage others to boycott her work as well. If what she’s doing isn’t bullying, to you, and what I’m doing IS... not sure what planet you’re on.

Yes, don’t you understand, anyone having an opinion you don’t like is automatically bullying, even if the target of their ire is a billionaire

Trans rights are basically at 2004 U.S. elections level right now politically. It’s still an incredibly effect bugaboo for huge swaths of the population, and J/K Rowling can get away with saying “tr*nny” as much as she wants, just like Ann Coulter could call a presidential candidate a “f*ggot” on television back then

Is it really bullying to say “don’t buy a video game because the billionaire owner of this franchise is not a serious person”?

Note also the splendid “Liefeld’s Just Feet” store behind the duo.

Couldn’t agree more. I see plenty of room here for a much longer evaluation. Granted 31 songs is a LOT to plow through in-depth.

I’ve never wished more that Graham Chapman was still alive. He absolutely would have been able to explain to these other guys the difference between “mindless good taste” as Cleese described at his funeral and just common decency.

Every right-wing blowhard says some variation of ‘If someone can say they’re a gender, then I’m x’ and think it’s the most mind-blowing, Voltairian, definitive takedown of modern gender ideas and the greatest piece of satire that the world has ever seen, when instead it merely demonstrates why there aren’t more

“I’m delighted to have a chance to find out, on camera, about all the aspects of so-called political correctness.”

In all seriousness I think there’s at least a 50% chance Musk swoops in to turn this into ‘Original Programming for X’ or some other such fate.”

I hope Michael Palin outlives them all.

Music is a deeply emotional, personal thing for many if not most.

Not all.

PF77's idea that “music can also be a more passive art form to enjoy” is an interesting one. You can put on a movie or TV show, familiar or not, while you’re doing other things. If you’re not paying attention you can miss parts of it, just as you can if you’re not paying attention to what you’re listening to. Maybe we

I can’t imagine many, if any, critics were permitted pre-release access. Swift has that shit on full lockdown so her fans hear it first when it drops.

I see what you are getting at but I think the issue is the use of “we”. I think you may engage with music that way and I think many others do as well.  But I think for others they engage with movies or TV in that way(constant rewatches and such).  Others may engage with other art(like video games, or books, or board

I am not seeing how music is different then any other art form in this regards.  As you grow and change in life, your perspective changes and so does your taste and that effects all art you consume.   Things you loved you now find don’t resonate with you or you find things you hated you now enjoy.    Or even things

It’s simply so much more subjective than a movie or tv show.

Are you asking?

In this case, it is critiquing the product of a critic-proof artist. Saying “meh, it could have been better” makes no difference.