loren ipsum

To be fair, Rodgers got through his first five minutes of his Jeopardy hosting gig without tearing his Achilles tendon, so he did have more success there than he’s had at football recently.

I didn’t expect to see this set, but I was at my parents’ home when they decided to watch. (While I educate where I can, I don’t police what my family watches.) So, I sat through this before reading about it. And, I have to say, this article nails it. He sounds like an old fool; one of those guys you’ll hear in any

Fair point about JJ, though that may be due to Marvel’s old model of not having show runners for the tv projects.

Even within a 13 ep run, there can be space for the odd ‘case of the week’ episode. I always refer back to first season of Buffy, which still managed to have single one off stuff, alongside the season long

Yes! It was just bad writers mostly. I remember all the talk about reducing episode count, and then “The Defenders” came out, 8 episodes, and it still sucked. Maybe the problem isn’t episode counts, the problem is shitty writers? Or overworked show runners not allowed to hire full writing teams?

I have no doubt that he loved creating those, but what I meant specifically was that he was much better at the shorter stuff (that’s why I chose the word “excelled” rather than something like “preferred”).

I agree with the sentiment, but I would prefer shorter episodes. Instead of eight 75-minute episodes, how about 12 episodes about 45 minutes?

I’m with you on the episode count, but I’m not sure about the important/interesting distinction. I remember watching the first season of Jessica Jones and being baffled that a show about a private detective had zero cases of the week. Or maybe there was one, but it turned out the case was a trap and it all just became

No thanks.

10-13 episodes is perfectly fine. That’s long enough and cuts down on the filler episodes that serve no purpose other than allow the show makers to coast until the important/more interesting episodes are made.

Also having say 13 episodes a season, should allow the network channels (BBC/ITV/Channel 4 in UK and

Finally, I can realise my dreams of a Tigger/Lady Chatterley crossover porno.

Everything entering the public domain this year besides Steamboat Willie

The venn diagram of people who thought that was hysterical and who say stuff like trump derangement syndrome or gender ideology is close to a circle.

I demand that everytime someone praises the Office or Extras they strongly note Stephan Merchants writing.  Everything Gervais writes that Merchant isn't involved with is notably shittier.

Yeah, Gervais’ Golden Globes performance is a hallowed moment in ‘red-pilled’ circles.

Beyond the people in the room, yes. The morning after, reddit and facebook were falling over themselves to praise him for showing those Hollywood bigwigs what’s what. Heck, Tom Hanks’ grimace was the thumbnail for the very popular youtube clip of the monologue.

People were so laudatory of his Golden Globes monologue a few years back, treating his digs at streaming services (which he works with) like some huge truth-to-power moment; as though he hadn’t been invited and the monologue certainly vetted by the network beforehand.

The best part is always when they say “The network will never put that one on the air.” Except you just heard the joke, so clearly they did.

The problem with Watchmen is it peaks in the opening credits set to The Times They Are A-Changin and never recovers.

You can tell exactly which parts of the movie Nolan wrote and which parts Goyer/Snyder wrote. The former being better.

Henry Cavill deserved director(s) of a Superman movie who liked Superman.