loren ipsum

The prophecy as the book’s lynchpin never worked for me. OOTP was really about Harry learning that his heroes aren’t perfect and that he’s not special - he was interchangeable with Neville. But the writing never quite delivers and the final battle seems tacked on as an obligatory setpiece. 

We don’t know how physics works in the Star Wars universe


Maybe it like, phases or teleports into/out of position?

Making a big assumption lightsaber toys don’t work like that today...

Pym Particles.

Ot acts like one of those retractable/extendable light saber toys from the 80s

“Ancient immortal warlord here, nine centuries’ experience running my own criminal empire. Finally got to watch Shang-Chi at the weekend, and hoo-boy do we have to talk about the logistics of the Ten Rings. 1/”

I can’t believe Axl Rose is still so hung up on Erin Everly! Why is Bono such a psycho, he’s been “without her” for decades and still on about it? 40 years later Bill Withers continued to find no sunshine due to her absence??

Rowling herself said that Phoenix was the hardest of all the books for her to write. She struggled all the way through with it, and it was exacerbated by the fact that she’d quit smoking. The final product pretty obviously shows that.

I mean, without accusing anything of anybody, I’ll state the following observation: I’ve never seen this type of response when a male artist revisited break-up songs from their back catalogue.

I’m not familiar with much of her work but it definitely strikes me as odd that “creates a work from feelings she was having about a person/situation that results in a song, not an essay” turns into “she’s obsessed” when it’s how almost all halfway decent works of art originate? I’m pretty out of touch so maybe I’m

WDYM “fixated on a relationship”, this is a song she wrote years ago and played in concert many times since. And now she released the long-rumored 10 minute version (which was the original version, they cut it down for the album back then) partly because the re-recording of the album marked a good occasion to do so

Mirror of erised is Desire backwards, like in a mirror!

Not to mention that the phoenix tears are not any sort of out of nowhere deus ex machina (Fawkes himself showing up at all kind of is, but not his healing powers themselves). It’s not emphasized or lingered on, but Dumbledore mentions that phoenix tears have powerful healing properties when he speaks with Harry in his

For whatever reason Willow ended up being a pivotal movie for me, right age right time I guess. I was like 7 years old and saw the movie in the theater, which sounds insane given it starts with a new mother being murdered and then a wet nurse being eaten alive by demon dogs. But I love the shit out of Willow, perhaps

That was my thought when I read that line. I just skim read the rest, figured it wasn’t worth my time if that’s the lazy style and shit snark they’re going for.

You’re not wrong about Phoenix. In fact, imo, Phoenix is the only one where the movie was actually better than the book.

For me it was Knockturn Alley.

I’ve never understood people who can’t keep track of plotlines and characters or whatever in a story. This isn’t Primer. There’s maybe 100 named characters in the movies, and only 10 of any real importance. It doesn’t really matter if you don’t remember Professor Trelawney, it’s just the weird bug eyed woman who says