As loathe as I am to defend any of this, the people complaining about Javier Bardem really have no case. Desi Arnaz’s ancestry was Spanish back to the 1700s.
As loathe as I am to defend any of this, the people complaining about Javier Bardem really have no case. Desi Arnaz’s ancestry was Spanish back to the 1700s.
That comment just moved you...TO A BIGGER HOUSE!!
Are you fucken serious? Twatty Shit's lyrics???
White tears are the deadliest substance known to anyone not white especially if you’re Black; even when the tears are fake as fuck.
That’s the fake cry face that every parent on the planet knows all too well. Squeezing your eyes as tight as possible, make a cry face, and hope you can squeeze out at least one fake tear!😅
Hell, or Danai, they’re both there and they are both leagues better than Wright.
Diana Gurira is right there! She was the highlight of the first movie for me and I always thought her character was a better choice for taking the mantle.
Remember that time they had to shut down production because Bette Davis wouldn’t get the polio vaccine? Oh wait, that didn’t happen because they weren’t fuckin idiots back then.
It means scrapping the film entirely.
I know it’s acting, but it is weird to have somebody playing a scientific genius who in real life doesn’t understand the basics of how to read data.
They could, sure.
Get a better actress, you say? I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Lupita is RIGHT THERE. They’ve got time to rewrite things now. God knows Disney and Marvel have the money to reshoot the shit out of this thing. Write her out. Make Lupita the new Black Panther instead. Problem solved.
I mean it’s possible that this whole back to the UK filming shutdown is a staged exit for her. She could end up saying she needs more time to recover from her “injury” and is exiting the film
Drop Dead Fred. Enough said.
I love GI Joe Rise of Cobra. It’s a terrible movie but I love it and will watch it whenever it’s on. I have no idea if this is what you’re talking about but I will always take the opportunity to promote this movie
The Force Awakens.
The Neverending Story. I never saw it until I was an adult with my own kids, and that is very possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. And I’ve seen all the Sharknado movies.
Everyone I know who grew up on Goonies thinks of it as an amazing fixture of 80s film. Everyone I know who first saw it as an adult thinks it is a schmaltzy, obvious, nonsensical, racist hot mess.
I mean, my go-to answer will always be The Transformers: The Movie (1986). The plot doesn’t make any goddamn sense and it’s just a massive advertisement for new toys, but I still well up every time Optimus dies.
I got in several arguments about Hook when it came out, and basically stopped talking about it (maybe a “that movie SUCKED” and peacing out) for years. Glad to see it getting is due hate. Lol.
Last time I talked about it at work went basically as you say.
“Hook was terrible.”
“Are you kidding? That movie was great.”