loren ipsum

I agree with you

very much! so many evangelicals will go on and on about the “new covenant in christ, he fulfilled the law, sooooo”

definitely true. It’s obscenely inconsiderate, and sends a clear message of how much one person values others (ie not much).


was gonna say, at least dudes all got paid when rock made them hang around, banked some union hours. 

Correct. Which is nuts. 

And that’s unfortunate. Is it supposed to be a “gotcha?” They don’t care; and that allows her to continue harming the trans community. 

“I’ve watched episodes”

hahahaha shut the fuck up

Yeah. And while I understand that every music site is going to get the site out, I simply don’t think you can properly review an album off of one or even two listens. I don’t think a critic needs to watch a movie or TV show multiple times to do a quality review. 

Mmm. I think we engage with music, typically, on a deeper, more personal level than a lot of other art. Obviously all art is subjective; the way we as audiences engage with different forms ... Pf77 makes a great point below.

Ohh yes. Good insight. We do experience or engage with music in a very different way, the listening to an album or song over and over. Much as I might rewatch my favorite tv shows.

i don’t dismiss your perspective, but this is why music reviews as an industry are... i don’t know. almost pointless.

That’s a cop-out response. “THEY WERE ASKED A QUESTION.” So what? There are many ways she could have responded. It’s 99% likely she knew what questions were coming her way, and what questions were not allowed. That’s what publicists do.

“Celebrity Skin” is drenched in glossy pop sheen and artifice. It is covered in five kinds of sweetener. Some good songs? Sure!

It's almost as if Courtney's "sound" is shaped by whomever is producing her at the moment.....

It's fine. It's mid-tier grunge. Courtney was a weird hanger on before she even got with Kurt. It's ... Fine. A hundred better records then and plenty now. 

suggesting she’s some kind of talentless parasite who gloms on to other, more gifted individuals (whether through relationships or insults) to stay relevant. It would be really offensive if someone were to suggest that, huh?

“suggesting she’s some kind of talentless parasite who gloms on to other, more gifted individuals (whether through relationships or insults) to stay relevant. It would be really offensive if someone were to suggest that, huh?”

i mean, it’s not like any of Love’s music was all that interesting. Celebrity Skin is shiny pop with a couple good songs; live through this is standard seattle grunge witha  couple good songs. And then there’s... uh... huh. hmm.