loren ipsum

“and just made the film version of a traced drawing, only showing off the muscles, fights, and fucking.”

That’s exactly it. Visually, he just... Copied the book’s artwork. There are scenes he does so exactly it begs the question why? It’s a motion comic.

agreed. If his movies were fun, rather than interminably dull and drawn out, then the visuals could be fun. soooooo borrring

Snyder took heavy aesthetic and stylistic notes from genre classics like Star Wars and Dune, without understanding the story and emotional beats that made those aforementioned franchises so beloved”

Not relevant to the allegations but I am completely wtf at that name 

Letterkenny ending in a few days

phew. was worried it would be another eye-rolling skyward sword apologetics piece. 


I wonder if Antman being so poorly received affected the Marvels. It cratered but still had a huge opening weekend, still made almost half a billion. People went to *see it* but word of mouth was bad.

very good way to look at it. It’s not “tragically unresolved.” That was the resolution, tragic as it might have been. And a big part of Tennant’s “god complex” through the Waters of Mars to his regeneration is because he couldn’t save Donna without erasing her memories. 


i remember the man of steel trailer with “visionary director zack snyder” attached.

That’s what struck me about Watchmen. It was either an absolutely slavish devotion to the visual source, that it might as well have been a motion comic; or it veered so sharply and utterly missed the point (rorshach’s origin, the sex scene, etc). 

During the big emotional speech at the climax of Star Beast, Tennant just acting his damn heart out, I couldn’t help but think: Did Jodie have a *single* monologue that hit any of these emotional beats?

oh my god I was thining about that the other day. Ryan’s dyspraxia was a thing for like, two episodes and then he was just “fine.” There was no point in having it part of his character because it didn’t matter.

and you have to adapt to the medium. simplest example: any narrative where you are reading the character’s thoughts. 1st person like hunger games, 3rd person like harry potter.

Cry some more nerd

It literally is an adaptation. Adaptation doesn’t mean “exactly the same thing as the source.”

eh. Iron Man “only” made 585 million. None of the phase 1 flicks did insane monster business, until/except *Avengers*.

Pratt does earnest well. Andy, Emmet, Mario.