loren ipsum

“my full names will Scarlett O’Hara. we're from Georgia."

“Maybe in six months, when The Super Mario Bros. has been released, forgotten, and rebooted”

Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money!

I unabashedly love Men In Tights, but you’re absolutely correct that Tights has that really specific dated/reference humour. A lot of very specific riffs on Robin Hoods: Prince of Thieves that don’t quite land (Asneeze/achoo). The pumps and home alone, and white men can’t jump joke (which is still really funny to me

oh my god, i had forgotten about how awful that was. bad flash animation... was Brooks actually involved beyond “producer”? 

Jesus christ, they really handed to barsanti? fuck right off. 

you’re still here complaining about mandolorian? JFC man, find a new hobby. 

Puddy is one of the most well-known Seinfeld guest characters, darn straight.

I saw this supercut of “best asian jokes in Family guy” on FB... I watched part of it. Like, a, it’s obviously all offensive stereotypes and shit. I can’t speak to if some of the writers are of east Asian descent, but it’s hard to imagine so because they “jokes” are clearly just riffs on white people ideas (haha

Yeah, I really enjoyed WBSM... I was still an evangelical christian around those times but in the process of leaving the faith when Stein came out with that wretched “Expelled!” documentary. That may have hastened my deconversion lol. 

You know what, maybe that really is part of it. P4 didn’t end with a teamup movie. Every other phase has. A lot of this stuff WILL play out... but not until like phase 6!

Reviews for MoM: “too dependent on watching WandaVision and other things, too connected, too busy setting up other things.”

Reviews for Love & Thunder: “Feels disconnected from the rest of the MCU, doesn’t set enough up, too standalone.”

Literally within mere months of each other. We can argue about the merits of each

The fact is that the Infinity Saga was a lot of disconnected, standalone stories with tiny teases or the introduction of a MacGuffin here and there that would become important in the finale, people have retconned that in their brain into this grand sweeping narrative and have spent all of Phase 4 demanding Game of

I think the intensely negative reviews of Antman3 are, at least in part, critics and media determining long beforehand what they thought of it and what it represented. 

I cackled at “DC wrote down plans on a whiteboard”

Do... Do not type "masters of the universe revlation" into the yt search bar... 

You really think you did something here.

Recognizing that del ray has a successful career of music, I swear to god the only website where I ever see her name is avc.

89 Batman is pure camp, just under Burton’s all-black aesthetic.

It was very silly that no character ever matters to another’s. You got those inconsequential little “sidebars” in town taverns, if you wanted. Each story has hints and seeds of the “bigger” evil at play that links things together. So I was very surprised when I completed the eighth character’s finale and that was...