loren ipsum

I like the first Avengers movie. It’s quite fun. What people don’t remember is also how mind-blowing it was for a proper superhero teamup/shared universe movie to happen. Much less for it to be as good as it was.

I just keep thinking: what if Black Widow was released RIGHT after Civil War?

I really enjoyed Hawkeye but there were numerous times I felt like they were doing things to pad the runtime or artificially extend the threat.

outside of Winter Soldier and Ant-Man, phase 2 was... not great. Was homecoming in Phase 2?

Hmm. Counterpoint: having all that extra time was a curse, not a blessing. Too much time to tinker and overthink. 

I loved Hawkeye and She-Hulk, liked Ms. Marvel. I don’t know if I finished Moon Knight.

Falcon & the Winter Soldier was obviously designed to go around in a narrative circle, so that Sam basically winds up exactly where you’d just assume he would after Endgame, but this has the effect of making the entire series feel disposable.”

This, part two. It’s retroactive continuity that Phase 1 was a perfectly assembled machine.

“Later gators!” 

This. Just compare a lot of the general commentary about MoM and Thor.

“MoM spends too much time setting up future stuff and requires too much homework.”

Good point I hated the tails levels. I wasn’t thinking of it along those lines, but good point.

I suspect I’ll grab it on sale in six months or so, when some patches and udpates have been added for me and my oldest. 

Sonic + Paper Mario? holy crap, that is... everything i want and more

y’know it’s weird. i’m a teacher and middle schoolers, sonic the movies were popular. my slightly younger kids love sonic boom. there is all this media of sonic that is POPULAR out there and...

they literraly had old spock TELL THEM who Khan was to build the “threat”


Your last line touches my soul. Into Darkness was awful, but the scene where Cumberbatch very dramatically reveals his name of “Khan...Noonian...Singh” may be among the worst offense (well, redoing the Spock death scene with Kirk just to revive him two minutes later...). The audience knows; reboot Kirk and Bones and


But there were so many moons and ways to get them. All across the world. It was just a different take from the 64 style. 

yes why does anybody ever talk about anything from the past