loren ipsum


That’s some mighty fine pearl clutching you’re doing there, boy.

Snyder is a piece of shit, but anybody shocked that nfl owners are all pieces of shit is more naive than my cow puppet.

Even this short clip sounds grating and obnoxious. 

Kids don’t care about those stars. They don’t know them. They just want to see a good fun movie. 

Thank you. Frankly when Mario 64 first hit I could NOT handle martinets voice. Why? Because I was raised on captain Lou and the other cartoons gruff Brooklyn accent.

When the Dreamcast and PS2 were released, I was working at a video store.

Good point. The Superscope 6 ended up a hardly-used gimmick, but Battleclash/Metal Combat were fantastic games. You’re right, Nintendo proper would have made sure there was at least one or two games that utilized it well. 

Fuck! I haven’t watched that in years but it was one of my favorite movies for a good long time, I’ve seen it at least a dozen times. So fucking fun and quotable. Due for a rewatch!

It’s tragic that the Dreamcast only sold 10 million, but to compare it to colossal blunders like the Power Glove and ET is such a false equivalency. 

What the FUCK. I had never heard that part. JESUS. 

Same. In episode 1 they fully address Ben’s absence. “Ben didn’t want to do it.” And boy, they have really unpacked some of the crappy ways Michael Jacobs and others treated them.

I don’t think it’s terrible. It’s better than basically everything TGIF and it’s at least as good as a lot of other 90s sitcoms. 

Cory becoming totally neurotic about everything made him so much more appealing than “mini-stand up comic kid.” He’s pure anxiety.

My thoughts as I close out the series would be that the producers and writers weren't quite sure what they wanted with the post-high school show. But kudos to BMW for often tackling so many serious subjects without veering into "very special episode" territory. Some really rough stuff with a cast that did killer work,

I can’t even believe how full on dumb dumb Savant Eric becomes. It’s a little jarring but Friedle is sooooo much fun in that space.

no, it was more of a she was wearing a red kercheif to keep her hair up, and he made the quip about “love your syrup” on the way out to the scene. Nothing to do with her age. They go into it on the pod and it’s a settled issue between them. It’s an astonishingly frank conversation on the pod. 

not quite accurate, as she does reveal this to the three hosts —- who are like, what the fuck? Friedle in particular is pissed right off.

lol they talked about how she was like, 28 when cast and Rider was about 17.

I’ve been doing a rewatch since they started the pod. Had to skip season 1. Season 3-5 are amazing. I realized I had never really watched the last two seasons. They definitely have some wheels coming off but it’s a lot of fun how many wild things they do. Frankly, I’m shocked this show remains as good as it does. It