loren ipsum



I’ve noticed the past decade an unbearable over-emphasis on “plot” as the be-all end-all of what matters in storytelling. It’s not. Some stories are light on plot, heavy on character development. Or joke delivery systems. 

i loved it, man. in the theatre i was full of joy. I don’t use the word lightly.

Oh man I need to read that again

That was certainly a lot of words 

I’m listening to the new Pod Meets World podcast with Danielle Fishel, Rider Strong, and Will Friedle. It’s been excellent so far, they’re willing to do some deep digging on how being child actors affected them, and they’re very transparent without being shitty. They address in the first episode, “Ben isn’t here

Can’t blame him either! The pure love and passion put into LOTR by Jackson, Walsh, et al is tremendous. He got to make his dream project. The Hobbit was a nightmare that I’m sure he doesn’t want to relive. 

what the fuck. 

had the closest facial likeness of our Industry’s leading actors,”

...... jesus, you’re right. 



yes, but nerds are always going to be nerds 


... what? 

totally. My kid likes looking through it as well, we watch game trailers through it. 

I’m going to check it out! 

Shut the fuck up. 

No, you had it right. She's free to do whatever she wants. Not sure why you kept going. 

k but after being “cancelled” (allegedly because the staff of the venue refused to show up to work the chappelle gig) davey immediately got another venue for the same show and did a show, and as reported elsewhere, called the protesters (were there actual protestors?) ‘psychotic’