loren ipsum

SERIOUS lack of Abbu the past couple episodes!!!! 

Great analysis. All of these things are choices made.

The distinct visual style of words and images being found in the characters’ surroundings, which we saw so strongly in the first two episodes, has slowly dissipated.”

yeah... i kind of feel like the “parting out” her costume piece is not working. 

Yeah the pacing is off.

Agreed. This show in particular feels like it rushed through things because of the episode count, and we should have at *least* two more to go. Hawkeye felt okay to me, but Maya/Echo ended up getting short shrift in the end. Yesiknowshehasashowcomingup but for the first half of Hawkeye she felt important, but largely

oh fuck! Eternal Darkness! That was a great game, criminally forgotten. 


It does feel like they crammed a ton in here to the point of making Kamala feel like a passenger in her own show. 

So on another site i ran into some (white, anti-”woke”, “diversity is ruining comics) types who complained bitterly about Nani having a dog; that “their Muslim friends all told them” that dogs are considered unclean and no Muslim would have one as a pet.

Now you’ve done it. You’ve made put that disc with that episode on. you monster. 

Absolutely delightful role. He was down to just take the full piss out of himself.

Correct. It’s a courtesy Al extends. To his benefit, it’s given him terrific respect and working relationships. Prince famously refused to ever let Al do a parody. Jackson didn’t want Al to do a parody of “Black & White” due to what MJ considered its message. Then of course the always-hilarious Coolio and Lady Gaga

Sure. But why are you okay with incorrect information? 

Quote is "if ten people are sitting at a table, and one Nazi sits down, and nobody leaves, you now have 11 Nazis."

Okay hit me with the link of its affiliate status

I enjoyed SOLO. I had zero expectations and frankly, only went because I won free tickets. Friend and I had a fun time. It was a fun heist movie, and it was enjoyable to play around in scoundrel realm of SW. No Jedi. Donald Glover was outstanding.

K but you see how it’s unhelpful to spread faulty info to make a point this is the shit the right do without any issue

Unfortunately not enough in the American Christian framework but there are more than people think 

Because I can’t find a single piece of information that is in anyway “affiliated” beyond creep veach having pastored at a Hillsong for a time