loren ipsum


We had “gelato” yesterday and the kids loved it, but I could tell it was more ice cream. But I do know where to get true gelato... you’re right, it is so lovely. 

Thanks for the perspective. Given how casarosa has talked about how this movies is based on his own summers growing up in Italy I thought the “stereotype” comment from Dowd was puzzling. Of course, the studio may have flattened his design, but...

how dare he not write in a polished essay with footnotes, amirite? 

“God, I think I might be into Tahani!”
And why wouldn’t she be! 

How does that make him stupid? Because his words didn’t come out expertly? Because he screwed up? Jesus. 


I like Rose and her dynamic with both 9th/10th, for sure. I love the Ponds.

One of my takeaways is that people sometimes expect too much out of how people talk, or communicate. YES - it’s phrased poorly. That’s how thoughts work sometimes. He wasn’t writing an essay. The words are jumbled, and I think he was searching for how to get across his feelings while still formulating that.


Thank you for this take and your expertise. My takes are more just... angry.

Not even close. 

A. You are unbelievably minimizing racism and hate, and the racially motivated hate, killing, etc that has occured throughout human history. Now you’re arguing that every person who ever lynched somebody has a mental illness. That is a ludicrous take.

Okay. Still doesn’t mean he has a mental illness. Even if you WERE a qualified psychologist, you still couldn’t diagnose him.

ugh, don’t go there. just because people are jerks and have bad opinions doesn’t = mentally ill. that’s frustrating and part of the stigmas around mentally ill. blaming shitty people on mental illness is not much better.

I mean, they can go find those deviantart pages and adult flicks. their wank material isn’t going anywhere. 

So he was cancelled three or four times?

Ran into this in my chat group. It was a reasonable discussion, for the most part, but the complaints about new She-Ra were *checks notes* “body positive and diverse.” Also, complaining that if you complained about new She-Ra you were told “it’s not for you.”

Goddammit, AVClub, fix kinja notifications

You know it can be both things, right?