Such Stealth

And similarly pathological are it’s defenders. It’s a fine game, but it isn’t even in the top 50 best games ever.

Man, I’m pretty excited about this game but I hated the durability system in BotW and reading this article weirdly deflated me. Like, it’s cool that I can nab the best shield early in the game, but I know that it’s just going to sit in my inventory (or on a wall in my house if that’s still a thing in TotK) because I

Yeah you’re just brainwashed by the shittiness of america

What sucks in these Metroidvania-adjacent games is I’ll find myself fully exploring every new world I come to, as you do, and seeing all of these areas that I can’t access yet because I don’t have some future ability. And when I finally do get the new ability, I sure as shit don’t remember where all those locked off

I too was raised in that community. By an abusive alcoholic. Other fundies didn’t give a shit how he treated his family as long as he kept showing up to *also* scream at women outside of Planned Parenthood.

Why would you think they’d care? This demographic threw their weight behind a man who has five children, two ex wives, one wife who will be an ex at some point, and a history of infidelity. They called Trump an imperfect vessel of God. They're not looking for logical consistency or faith. It doesn't matter who in

Thirty years ago, this video would get him fired and ostracized. Today, it would get him elected to public office.

Yeah, because past inventions and productivity increases ALWAYS free human beings up to do more interesting work or have more free time, right?

Oh my god the internet was a mistake

These are the rockstars that roll in, make changes, claim everything is amazing, and bounce (from company or project). Then it gets deployed and they can yell, “Worked when I left!”

Yes agreed, Sisi took some of this out of context for a rage bait article. If the game is all white people, that is fine. If it’s all black people that would be cool. All Asian people, alright by me. Some mix of everything, great! A more diverse cast makes for a better experience in my opinion. But, not all games need

Yeah, but context doesn’t make rage bait articles!!

No. They shut it down not because it was a mess but because they made mobile games. It seems embracer is concentrating on console and PC games. 

Yeah, I think that's intentional. Combine the title with that image, and boom: fairly effective clickbait!

What an absolute garbage take. Next time, spend about two seconds figuring out what the heck you’re talking about. Literally nothing you have said bears any resemblance to truth. 

Remember when the snark on here was funny and made sense?  *sigh*

What about massive video ads that have nothing to do with the wiki you’re looking at, links constantly trying to pull you away from that wiki, and horrible formatting do you not like about it!?!?

Or on people who have no other way out.

Will Souls fans insist that I finish Ulysses, Infinite Jest, and Gravity’s Rainbow to git gud at reading first?