Such Stealth

No, it’s Drax who’s invisible.

Now’s the Time for Kobe to do a Detail breaking down the minutiae of things like how his foot angles are wrong, and how he doesn’t have the right hand positioning on the ball. You know, exactluly what he did to Tatum during last year’s playoffs that turned Tatum into a basket case of constant Kobe brain.

Kotaku writers have specific beats, as of a few years back. Riley’s is the Fortnite beat, so it is specifically “his job.”

Plus, your weapons break after every 4 hits instead of 5 now!

“On the next Detail, with Kobe Bryant..."

Star star star star

Lol no

Lol no

Dad!!! Taun We’s here!

Homeboy looked like a real life 2K glitch

RIP, Brian Daley

Tim, you are a treasure.

Tim's Sekiro comments video was the best video I've watched on this website, period.  His delivery and timing was excellent.  Bookmarking this to watch it again later.

+3 confused tears

Skyward Song

Go into a private party of 1. Xbox: Home button -> scroll left twice, create Party. PS4: PS Button -> scroll over to parties -> Use their terrible UI to create a party. Sorry, don’t know how the same would be accomplished on PC.

Problem solved. The ping system makes verbal communication a “nice to have” in this game.

Zack, thank you very much for this series. It was sad to see This Week in the Biz go away, but having this to catch up on good, curated content from the previous week (I missed a lot of this) is a welcome replacement.

Episode I: Racer? In UE4? It’s working... IT’S WORKING!!!

Blog it all down, Chris!

You will be the first to die when we rebel.

This is my favorite interaction ever