Such Stealth

SoKno, ‘sup! He goes to Horace Maynard Middle, in Union County. It is about 25 miles north of Powell. This is like calling Jefferson County HS “Knoxville” in relation to East Knoxville. Or Sevier County “Knoxville” as it relates to your area. I don’t feel Maynardville, Jefferson City, or Sevierville are representative

Knoxvillian here. That flag is bullshit. They are not “all over the place.”

I don’t see 9 year olds running around drinking whiskey, either.

Well... We know one of the Judges wasn’t Roy Moore.

He had 3 full yearsleft on his contract, plus a few months.

Literally nothing in this post is correct. Not one damn word.

Your article on loot boxes exploiting us really hit me hard. I found the behaviors you described things that I also did. Like paying cash for Google Play cards to avoid the transactions showing up on my credit card statements.

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Not the first time ol’ Natalie has had a below the desk gag reflex kick in.

“Kinect can survive if creativity and something fun can be hooked on to it. Right now Kinect is still in the sink-or-swim phase and is far too early to determine what fate will befall it.” — your 2011 doppelganger.

Because you need 100 artists, a few dozen PR flacks, 200 engineers, etc.

Wendy’s has been on-point with their kids’ toys for a while. Both of mine (4 & 8) love coming home and building their crafts while they dip their fries in their Frosty.

“See?!” - Cam Newton

Ei ei uh ohhhhhh!

I can’t tell you where I bought my Sega Genesis, I have a vague idea of my SNES and N64, and the PS1 was at K-B Toys with my HS graduation money... And pretty much every console since has been online. But I can tell you the color of the tiles, the colors of the coin wrappers, and what my mom was wearing that

Just what is a “public editor” anyway?

Because they needed 25 yards to be in Peneiro’s FG range. 9 seconds, they throw and get that with about 3 left.

Also, my favorite porn sub-genre

That is the look of a man who has done months of research on the subject.

Surely someone out there is working on a DDoS against... Whatwasitagain...