
She wants to have it both ways. Her rabid fans support the myth that she is the greatest human being in history, with quite a lot of support from the media. Why would she ask them to cool it, when most days it all goes according to plan?

Right? The statement was hella disturbing to me. Why doesn’t Beyonce just say something on HER instagram? Why are they framing this as some namby pamby message of love instead of saying “this is shitty bad behavior and you need to stop not because Beyonce asked you to, but because you are shitty bad people”?

Oh, that was the least of my problems with “The Mindy Project”.

Mindy Kaling (and possibly her whole family based on her and her brother) is that version of a person of color who thinks they are unique.

This does not surprise me. I stopped watching The Mindy Project because I thought it had way too many problems with sexism, the biggest of which for me was that the main love interest was pretty misogynistic and it seemed like we were mostly supposed to just forgive him for that—and then they finally had a “okay for

Exactly. She seems unhappy with being a dark-skinned Indian woman. As a fellow dark-skinned Indian woman, I do not love that.

She never did much for me either. I never understood how, on the Mindy Project, there could be an office of OBGYNs with 4 male doctors and only one female doctor. Even the woo woo natural/alternative birth office down the hall was all male practitioners. I’ve never been in an OBGYN office that had a single man working

kaling’s humor doesnt appeal to me. I feel like, beneath it all, she’s often apologising for being a dark woman. 

Fucking thank you. Beyonce is obviously monumental, but she is not an icon. Or not yet. She doesn’t have “it”. And to be fair, I can’t quite put my finger on what that precisely is, except to say that there’s something about her that’s always rung hollow for me (moreso now-ish than during her super-managed, heavily

She is.

She’s right tho. 

I like Beyonce a lot. But Warwick isn’t wrong.


Reviving the Hatha-hate, huh? I’m pretty sure the worse anyone can accuse her of is liking her job, working hard at her job, and not being named Jennifer Lawrence.

I seldom if ever comment on these threads, so you know Imma get serious about this garbage brand. I worked for VS years ago, and that company is trash from the ground up: trash quality, trash treatment of employees, trash leadership, and an outdated m.o. that seriously needs to get with the 21st Century. (Did you know

Literally can’t remember the last time I bought a bra from VS. Once you are a woman with adult breasts and a job that requires movement of any sort, bra construction, support, and quality actually start to matter.  Then you realize that paying $50 for a “sexy” poorly engineered piece of shit maybe isn’t in your best

Christ. I always longed for a VS body but sadly I am a lifelong member of the IBTC. ThirdLove and similar brands are the only bras that actually fit me without being padded out to *here* or making me feel bad about not having a red satin & black lace body type.  So get bent, is basically what I’m saying.

Forget purity tests. This is a basic “do you have any noteworthy policy proposals that set you apart from your competitors?” test. Both Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, candidates who I have my criticisms of, have managed this. Elizabeth Warren is obviously doing a great job on this front as well. Buttigieg? Not so

These anecdotes are the only information we have about him. He’s running on charm and being quirky. This article is just poking fun at the profiles Pete is getting, as if idiosyncrasies make up for a lack of experience and policy. Because yes, the tidbits of information that the media is pulling out to make Pete seem

“...the closest Starbucks to the Winterfell set is a 27 minute drive.