
I’m fond of a block heel, if I’m going to wear one, and I sometimes think about how these designs fit into this larger legacy. Specifically, block heels are still heels and produce the different muscle posture of the legs/butt....but the shoes themselves are rarely the same kind of ‘elegant’ or ‘beautiful’ the way a

Just read an old Daily Beast interview where Olivia said she dates men of different races so she is free to make racist jokes. “See I date different guys of different religions and races so I can always make the joke,” she continued. “I date the blacks, I date the Mexicans. I date ‘em all for comedy. You can’t buy

Sorry, is this Olivia “Take The Sandwich Out Of Her Mouth” Munn? Bitch, miss me.

You’re still making fun of gayness. This is Bad Jokes 101. 

If only there was a term for people who are attracted to both men and women .....

Oh right, I forgot how bi people just don’t exist.  

It’s not being obtuse to recognize that simplifying somebody’s life down to “she left him because he lost his leg,” is childishly lacking in context. A former elite athlete loses his leg which leads his mental state to deteriorate to the point of contemplating suicide. This impacts his relationships including a broken

Right, because we all should stand in judgment of a young woman because of how she dealt with the stress of a traumatic event in her life. Not to mention that the traumatic event seems (based on the article you linked to) to have led to severe mental and emotional trauma beyond the physical already sustained by her

Ironically, Chinese restaurants are one of the few places where I can order a big plate of cooked leafy green vegetables (snow pea leaves with garlic? practically entree-worthy), whereas most Western restaurants only offer salad. Hell, even Panda Express lets you replace rice with a ton of seasoned steamed veggies.

Good on you Michelle!

Russell and Rhys were robbed. This was the last chance to honor them for The Americans, and HFP blew it! At least Sandra Oh got that award instead.

Buddy, you sure love constantly commenting on these Warren articles about how unimportant this issue is to you, personally. Maybe—and this is a suggestion—just don’t read them!

My beat is literally Native American issues, so I’m not quite sure how to ignore one of the biggest Native issues being discussed in mainstream American politics and do my job. (And you best check the archives before you tell me to cover ‘actually important’ issues.)

Lot of people being really shittily dismissive of this. Everyone should take a look at the syllabus linked to get a better understanding of why you shouldn’t be acting like this is nothing. Saying “it’s just science” or “DNA doesn’t” lie ignores the fact that those parameters have been defined by people outside

Kamala Harris. Tammy Duckworth. Cory Booker, I’m forgetting some others.

yeah, it was generalized famous people snark, not some vendetta or something

“Joe’s really shown her a different lifestyle and the value of privacy,”

She was the 2nd wife though, right? Didn’t he scandalously leave his first (fellow author) wife who helped co-create a lot of his work after an affair with the married Audrey?

This might be my favorite review of anything ever.