This. Ugh. I can't with those fans. Definitely the worst of all cult fandoms.
This. Ugh. I can't with those fans. Definitely the worst of all cult fandoms.
*vomits. eats vomit. re-vomits the pre-vomited vomit.*
I enjoy soul cycle and the main reason I don’t go more is cost - and I'm not rolling in dough but I still have a full time decent job. How is your bartender friend affording those classes?
Well, this is going to throw all those people using celiac disease as a front for their mild eating disorders.
meh. my cousin has that. he’s old now but when he was younger my aunt constantly tried to avoid crowded or unpredictable situations because of his symptoms. there are absolutely ways of modifying your lifestyle to keep this in check. dining out usually isn’t one of ‘em.
agreed. when i used to wait tables, every so often there’d be a large “family event” group. y’know, the type of outing that you HAVE to bring your tantrum-prone 2 yr old to because it’s grandpa’s birthday brunch and the whole family is going and you have no choice.
oh totally. i guess i was referring to like, babies or little kids who just wail. people get so cranky about those parents, but it’s like...there is nowhere to go and only so much you can do to stop a tiny person from crying! save the judgment for awful parents who let their kids behave like brats!
Yes. Children are a choice that their parents made, and it’s not the world’s responsibility to treat kids with the same permissiveness as a parent.
she “cannot simply pick and choose which contractual obligations will be void
Or that a first marriage was not a good pairing. There are people that leave marriages because they were not in love with their spouses and then met someone they did love while still married. Not everyone who cheats is bad at monogamy, it's case by case.
real question: is this different than gawker outing a man trying to have an affair?
there are so many celebs in this religion, i have to assume that there’s some type of back room agreement with producers that gets scientology-affiliated actors into roles. i can think of no other reason why so many hollywoods would do it otherwise, especially after how strongly that was vibed in “going clear.”
Especially because they have a rep for blackmailing and threatening people into keeping mouths shut.
I’ve been a member since the beginning and I like it. The price hike feels worth it actually - 99 always felt cheap, because until about a year ago you could only attend 10 classes per month.
Well to be fair, when it came out there was virtually no public answer as to future possible side effects. I was in college when it first became available and I remember asking my doctor what kind of research had been done to cover possible risks down the line - that’s a fair question of any vaccine. She had no idea…
Thank you for this. I enjoy traveling leisurely but I’m sick of the narrative that you’re only interesting and exciting if you travel extensively. My greatest joy and excitement comes from my career, which tends to keep me in one place, but still feels like an exploration.
hank you. It’s nobody’s business what her eating habits are. Also the woman is on anti cancer drugs! And even if she had an eating disorder, that’s a serious illness - not something she chose to do because she’s annoying or vain.
Yeah I’d be shocked if it wasn’t her choice. Hosting two on air gigs is a ton of work. Producing is way more lucrative and flexible.
MTV deceptively has some of the most progressive scripted TV shows on air. Faking It has lgbt and intersex characters, and is pretty frank about showing sex stuff. They also have more “strong female” led shows than most any other cable networks (finding carter, awkward, faking it).
I’m a tall woman.