
yes apparently I am the only one who didn’t know about this hack haha. is this like, a permafix? or is it something that you need to keep doing/it wears off eventually? at this point I’m just about to give in and buy something pricier that’s the real deal instead of cycling through endless $8 HM stuff.

ah this stuff is so cute! thank you. i used to live right by there, and am now harumphing that I did not go in years ago.

thanks for the rec! do you happen to know if you still have to treat this any specific way? like keep out of water, etc?

fair enough.

asking only because i haven’t seen it yet - where is she on a scale of 1 to Simon/alex?

i am concerned for what may or may not be going on inside the folds of his face

yes she is a horrible asshat. the show I used to work for had her on as a guest probably 3-4 times during my tenure there. she’s every bit as nails-on-chalkboard IRL as one would guess.

the wedding i went to this past weekend had a hashtag. I checked it two days later and there were only 8 posts and I kid you not, they were all selfies posted by one woman (not the bride. a guest). Yes, this wedding’s instagram photo album is just a memory book of @SadSelfayGuest’s duck faces.

I don’t really rash up but I do want to claw my face off every time a piece of jewelry (i’m looking at you, faux gold rings) starts to oxidize and turn green on my skin. Do you have any resources for reasonably priced jewelry that won’t do that? A friend led me to Catbird but it’s still pretty pricy by my standards.

Look, I have a very embattled set of opinions about IVF for personal reasons (suffice it to say it’s something I would never consider). But despite this I cannot reasonably deny another person’s right to try to carry a biological child, especially if they’re facing medical issues.

my 45 year old (at the time) aunt who makes 6 figures, owns a home, and has a high credit score and top references eventually gave up on adopting within the US for these reasons 15 years ago.

yes i do so love getting those skin tags removed.

Are we sure that they are all experiencing infertility due to combat? The article didn’t specify. I’d think there are instances of both, and I don’t think it should matter. If you’re a vet seeking a fertility treatment, you should be able to have access to it. Military families generally aren’t swimming in extra cash.

it really is pretty amazing how this country treats the people who put their lives on the line to defend it. like really pretty amazing.

this is so depressing.

I am 10000% with you on this, but just to be clear: only about 60% of private insurance plans in the US cover abortion. So while yes, I certainly agree that this is totally ridiculous and women should absolutely have the right to a fully covered abortion even in cases outside rape/incest/medical threat (the military

in my experience your designation as Crier or Non-Crier is an easy way to predict crying at your wedding. My BF is a total Crier (cried while giving a speech to his mom on mother’s day, cries talking about a goldfish he had as a kid for like 5 minutes) and if we ever get married I guarantee he will be a waterworks. I

Ugh. I am wondering the same thing and my only answer is that it’s probably the type of environment where this type of stuff is part of the accepted culture.

I’m actually super confused too by how this is even going on. I don’t work in fashion but I’ve worked IN THE WORLD OF HUMAN PEOPLE, and I can’t think of any corporate environment where this would not be considered 100% harassment.

I’ve always considered it more class based than even color based. Eating disorders used to be known as the rich white girl disease. This has changed a lot over the past few years - increasingly thin worship is more widespread as idyllic thinness becomes increasingly globalized, which is pretty unfortunate.