such a travesty

Just FYI, this is really close (within walking distance) to Santana Row, which is essentially a strip mall for the very, very rich. There’s a potential to make a lot of money there, but first gotta get those pesky poors out of the way. The apartments are in a good neighborhood with a solid school district. My guess

Additional evidence: At our 4th of July BBQ, 18 weeks pregnant, I couldn’t remember the word “cake” and tried explaining to my confused husband that I wanted a slice of “sugar bread.”

She was visibly shocked and looked about as grossed out and disappointed as the time I told her I was painting my kitchen pale pink. And then my husband intervened and then she said something else that was horribly offensive that he went off on. [rolls my eyes]

Plus it’s possible that we could just nip this whole situation in the bud with “don’t do meth.”

I don’t know; from what I know about the usual practice of patent law (not a patent lawyer, but a lawyer) that sounds like it would have been a fun diversion for that day.

“which she says includes her wife, Lisa, and their longterm mutual partner, Sebastian.”

Patent Examiner/ former Patent Attorney here: One day back at the firm, my managing partner called me into his office to let him know that someone had called him about filing a patent. This person had (sigh) been on a “vision quest” with a shaman, and taken hallucinogens which (sigh) caused him to travel forward in

I have every sympathy for these teachers. Little Hudson is a fucking idiot.

How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

Seriously. Cubicles get a bad wrap. I love my cube. Beat the ever living crap out of the “Open floorplan” offices I worked before.

I’m in an open office too and it’s noisy as hell and keeps me from being more productive.

I give my husband a gift from our dog on fathers day. He doesnt give me anything on mothers day. Thats why the dog buys him something I like too. Our daughter sends something but shes 2000 miles away and is usually not on time.

I’m so tired of hearing about this “lifestyle.” If God wanted us to run, why are our asses so big and comfortable? Q.E.D.

Sane Americans never go to Chipotle.

As the parent of a child who NEVER wears pajama on “pajama day” but DID wear a dinosaur costume to the Christmas party - yeah, the other parents TOTALLY talked shit about the parents whose kid went as a hotdog.

Am I the only one who didn’t have princess day in my ballet class?

Seriously, your fetish should not become the entirety of your existence.

Do you call USC University of Spoiled Children too? I had a friend from LA who did this, I say, CLEVER.

This is exactly why we have about a million traffic laws, testing/licensing, and state and federal agencies devoted to regulating driving and improving highway safety because it’s so dangerous. But when it comes to guns I guess the best we can do is occasionally require a background check because liberty!

I am 29 for 3 weeks and 5 days more and I know of her AND remember her from Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.