
sending a load of hugs! my dad passed away five years this december. what other people have said is true - time helps ease the acute pain you’re feeling now. but it’s absolutely raw at first. i don’t think i’ve had such a visceral reaction to anything ever like i did when my dad died. that first year was very

and also i just spent way too much time on someone trolling this thread.

??? where did i justify what he did? i was saying that these mass shooters plan these murders ahead of time using logic that makes sense, which would be “i want to kill people because it feels good/makes me feel better about myself/gets back at the people who rejected me, etc.” that’s logical. it’s” i hate, therefore

the problem, though, is what obama talked about in his presser yesterday. he needs congress to pass legislation that he can sign. it’s up to voters to elect leaders who will take a stand on gun control. it’s up to voters to hold their elected officials accountable by contacting them and by voting them out of office if

sigh. we all knew this was coming, right? now we’re supposed to have empathy for this “fragile” young man. garbage.

i have a LOT of compassion for people living with mental illness. i’m one of them. but i have zero compassion for this guy or men like him who go and kill innocent people. most of them are planning it way

i wrote this earlier today and i’ll just leave it here...

no. just no to everything you wrote.

couple things:

deray and netta give me so much hope. my heart was breaking tonight reading about netta’s experience - not only the violence from the police officers, but the fact that she had to watch the white women she was arrested with being treated so much better. it turns my stomach.

and deray tweeted about the beautiful sunset

i just found myself making a low guttural sound, like a groan only more primal. yeah, sort of like an animal dying. this seems to be my reflexive reaction to robin thicke news.

so i guess that since there’s not much going on with boy george these days, marilyn has resorted to trolling gavin rossdale again.

definitely. an act of terrorism like 9/11 seems like something that would never happen again - not on that scale - and the war that resulted was not here, so i think the american people paid attention to that for awhile, then moved on. part of that is because it *was* so huge and so improbable.

now we have police

what i’m getting at is that police brutality is meant to scare people of color into submission. that’s part of what terrorism, specifically state-sponsored terrorism, is meant to do.

well, domestic terrorism happens all over the world. it isn’t just about attacks on military targets or attacks in war zones.

it’s good that you’re rethinking the definition, though. if you could maybe let the FBI in on that, that’d be great. ;)

sure, but i think the government needs to expand this definition to include not only government targets but civilian ones as well. i tend to think of mcveigh and kaczynski as anomalies. i still think they are discussed as lone wolf, mentally ill, disaffected loners who snapped. kaczynski tried to plead insanity and

thank you! there’s also the issue that people are *humans* who get *scared* and even if they are armed, they may not be able to think quickly enough to act. it’s one thing if you’re trained for combat; it’s another if you’re joe or jane schmo out to see a movie not expecting to be fired on.

and this... would be the definition of terrorism. these white men are making people fearful of public spaces.

sadly, i think i might need to make a macro for this link to the FBI’s definition of domestic terrorism.

i absolutely **refuse** to empathize with any of these white male shooters who terrorize the rest of us. that is exactly how these stories are framed: the disenfranchised, mentally ill outcast who just happened to snap. fuck that.