
They have been for years, usually in Suburban or land cruiser form. They also have some weird thing that is a tactical vehicle with “normal vehicle” skin.

“Set and push”

“Set heading to zero-seven-zero”

... if they watched it at all. Click bait for sure.

Why not inflate the Otto pilot?

you’re safe, it’s not a sex tape.

That’s the most ridiculous statement I have literally ever heard in my entire life.

Then again, there are those of us “hard-core” fans that actually attend the races and just like watching the cars do their thing, without thinking about the BoP too much or trying to find things to complain about.


Dude in the Tesla may have been able to hack the screen to play the video or even more likely, he was watching it on his phone which would explain why it was still playing after the crash. Tesla should also disable the autopilot feature except perhaps for divided highways without intersections (interstate highways)

Bottom line, it doesn’t matter what he was doing in the car, what matters is what he wasn’t doing, which is driving. He got so confident with his use of the system, and encouraged by the popularity, that he probably thought the autopilot would drive for him, or at least save him.

Party on one side, Business on the other.

Some of us have families.

Challenge to Germany: sports sedan with one door on the drivers side and two on the passenger side.

I like to be on Jalopnik for cars, not politics.

Great you mentioned race, not Gawker will be over here.

dammit I hate millennials

Born on the street, raised on the street, married on the street.