
Any salesman worth his salt knows that the VR6 has any amount of valves the customer wants it to have. Rookie mistake.

16 Working Valves

I’m looking for an 11 valve two stroke wankel Miata, anyone know where I can get one?

Now playing

Guys, there are pics and videos of S-300s literally laying against the launcher broken in half after failed soft launches.

He’s doing his part...are you?

Ummmm, pretty sure that’s a Bugatti, bro.

You never know with macanamera. He inspires confidence in people. For example: I once heard that some guy went to all the trouble of importing a Nissan Skyline and then, while the ink was still drying on the paperwork, he let macanamera drive it after only knowing him for an hour.

Oklahomans. They also get hit by trains pretty frequently.

You sure about that Doug?

This will forever be the roof box benchmark.

That roof box has a DIFFUSER

Typical Peugeot driver.

The local hip hop station here in Houston says the first thing I should do is call 1-800-I-GOT-HIT to make sure I get paid. You deserve to get paid for a fender bender, right? Those insurance injuries aren't going to heal themselves without a liberal application of cash...

And by all means, if you are not injured, DO NOT CALL A PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY!!!

The amount of air in the second picture is terrifying....also those pictures are great examples for downforce at work.

It's a very apt name.

I keep trying, and i keep almost smacking my head on the steering wheel. My left foot is waaay waaay to used to using a clutch.