
This is why Swift will eventually just be abandoned by listeners over 25 or so. She can’t let go of the past, and as listeners get older they aren’t interested in this high school drama.

Right? I was really hoping this would be her owning up to being a dick last summer, but it’s just her blaming someone else for her behavior. COOL.

I think it’s great that the new Taylor is willing to stand up for herself by holding grudges and getting even with people who made her the victim. It’s really groundbreaking territory for her lyrics.

I’ve only listened once so far and am very tired, but I definitely took it as her playing the victim rather than owning up to her misguided publicity efforts last summer. I interpreted it as her detailing how someone else’s actions make her seem like a villain, thus shirking responsibility for her new reputation.

The track sounds like “I’m so sexy” and the trivial lyrics don’t resonate with the times. It’s tone deaf literally and figuratively. Lana Del Rey help her out. Also It’s hard to believe Taylor is older than me. She comes off like a petulant teenager. It took her this long to write this response?

I really hope she beefs with Beyoncé at some point so Twitter is nothing but venomous bees and snakes. Like Australia.

Aren’t you generally supposed to release a good song for your album’s first single?

This is sports culture in America. Sports teams get amazing funding as teachers are struggling to keep pencils in their classrooms, many of our colleges rank sports as more important than classes, sports are being pushed onto kids younger and younger, and they’re only getting more extreme. And I don’t mean like fun,

This theater was warned, and yet they persisted.

Can’t wait for the Jill Stein voters to say this validates their votes in 2016, and refuse to support efforts to elect Democrats in 2018, because, really, when you come right down to it, Trump’s policies don’t really affect them very much.

Biker here:

When I want to take advantage of the little walky man at the light (partially because big intersections terrify me when I’m riding unless I’m turning right), I get off my bike and walk it across the street. So basically, if I’m aiming to be treated like a pedestrian, I will act as one.

He looks like he reeks

It’s nice to see Amber Riley in something. I hope this leads to more work for her. She was always the most talented on Glee.

As one of those Doctor Eho fandom folks, I have to say it's Doctor Who, not Dr. :p

A lot of adults who like Disney are super nerds about the technical shit that goes into animation or designing the theme parks. But yeah no we’re all just immature idiots who are waiting for their prince to carry them away

I made an account just to say FUCKING THANK YOU. And honestly after depressing news days like today I cling on to the escapism Disney offers HARD.

Temporary escapism seems to be a pretty useful tool given the awful state of things.

Honestly, it seems a little hypocritical for people to be particularly hung up on Disney fandom as a source of contempt, particularly when most notable Disney films retain some essence of their usually darker source material (and the internet can quite easily reveal how thematically mature Disney films can be even

Aww, I actually think it’s pretty cute.