Subway is gross

And don’t you forget it

I tend to agree. Once she has kids, her body is wrecked, so why bother staying if the physical attraction is gone.

So what are your suggesting? That women should become lesbians because men suck?

So it’s not sexist to point out that women are the most overly emotional, but pointing out that men are the most melodramatic is not sexist?

It’s worth pointing out that they have the upper hand because of the gender population imbalance. That’s hardly a situation worth celebrating.

You realise that you are asking that question on a site that follows every fart of the Kardashians

It’s ok to attack him because he is a guy and that is totally socially acceptable

Why do you think it is ok to attack his appearance? That is a gross thing to do, even if he is a douche. You are no prize pig yourself, so you may want to lay off the gendered insults

Why the fuck would anyone care what your age or gender is? Do you want a cookie?

So thinking someone is attractive means you are creepy?