
Yes. To simplify: Women get pregnant and give birth. Men cannot. While I do believe that one can be a woman and not be capable of such things, and one can be a woman and have been born with male genitals, and that a man who was born with female reproductive organs may be able to get pregnant and give birth, etc.,

He's speaking down to her, in my opinion. The patronizing attitude is in his facial expression, body language, and tone. And I believe this is how it's supposed to be portrayed. I actually think the video did a good job of presenting the issue now that I understand (or at least, I believe I understand) that the

I had no idea that yarmulkes were also banned. With their strict anti-antisemitism laws you'd think that wouldn't fly.

Thanks, I agree about the criticism of patronizing after watching it again. Not sure how I feel about the intention of the shaving comment though... not that I think you're necessarily wrong, I'm just not sure if that's the angle they're going for. At any rate, I do think this video is fantastic now that I realize

Yeah I definitely see that now. I'm very pleased to find out I was wrong about the intention of that scene, and I hope most people will more easily see the point the creators of the video are trying to get across than I did.

I think you are right. Upon re-watching it does not make sense that the creators of the video would choose to condemn Islam in such a one-dimensional way based on what the video is criticizing as a whole. I think it's far more likely that what you are saying is true. I should have watched the whole thing and reflected

Upon re-watching it, I agree. Thanks for responding. I was really off-put by the character's behavior and I don't think I gave the video a proper chance.

I'm going to re-watch, I think several people on this thread have made a good point about the intention of the video being to actually criticize the main character for doing exactly what it was I found offensive. I certainly hope that's the case.

I'll re-watch it. I was so shocked because I have a lot of faith in modern feminist movements and the video was great until that point. When the scene came up it was so blatant I could almost not believe that this was something people would do in all seriousness. I really hope that the creators' intention is what you

It was oversimplifying a complex issue. The man immediately assumes that the other man is wearing the hijab because his wife forced him to. Because there is a massive amount of racism in France against Muslims that has actually impacted legislation, which was and still is in part fueled by the argument that Islam is

I'm sorry, someone earlier did mention they caught a "whiff of trademark French anti-Islam sentiment". My mistake, Specular.

I was really enjoying this until the blatant and ignorant criticism of Islam under the guise of criticizing sexism. In France there is a huge amount of racism against Muslims, and it is not uncommon for people to claim that the religion is inherently sexist and thus primitive while using the hijab as an example of how

Drunk from Artistocrat Vodka at 16 in a hot tub. Christmas Eve Eve. I was pretty wasted, but the amount I drank was not unprecedented compared to what I drank at age 15. Having curbed my alcohol use over the summer, this was the first time I had been drunk in a long time.